
Can I get tubal ligation?

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Ok, so I want to get tubal li and I am under 26. Will a doctor before this surgery for me? I was told by someone at work (def. not an expert, he's a single guy) that Dr's. wont do it if you are under 35 or haven't had 3 kids. In some ways that sounds like it makes sense, but in the other side of my brain questions what the h**l gives them the right to deny me a medical procedure? I don't want to hear any answers saying things like "oh you'll change your mind once your biological clock starts ticking." or "you are too young to make that choice." I have thought about it and discussed it with my husband and we would like to adopt one of the many asian baby girls who need a loving family. I have NO desire to bear children myself. I was adopted and I know that loving a child doesn't come from blood. Plus I have no medical history so I don't want to have a baby and find out I have bad genes and passed them on. I have really painful periods and wicked PMS, I can't take chemical birth control and barrier is just so unreliable. I just want to know before i waste my time waiting in a Dr's. office if I could get this procedure or anyway I could convince a surgeon to preform it if they do tend to say no. Thanks, and remember, no lectures please, I'm a grown woman perfectly capable of making rational decisions.

Also yes, my husband has offered to get a vas. but I'd rather get my own version as I HATE periods.




  1. First off, you must know that having a tubal changes nothing about your periods. They only stop if you have a complete hysterectomy, which no one would do on someone your age, unless there were very serious medical reasons.

    I think you need to seriously do some research on your own about these two procedures, then go talk to your gynecologist about all of this.

    It's lovely that you want to adopt, but in your case it probably would be better if your husband got a vasectomy - but talk to your doc first of all.

  2. This is you and your husbands choice not any doctor.  If any doctor tells you no,  get a new one.  It wont help your periods but bc pills even with a tubal ligation will.  You have many options and its your choice.  Remember you pay the doctors to help you.  They can give advice but its your decision.  I love the idea of you helping another child have a good loving home as well.  Good luck and God Bless to you and your husband.

  3. You hate your periods, what woman doesn't.and having your tubes tied usually makes your periods worse,sometimes every 14 to 21 days i think your better off staying as you are.Good to hear you would like to adopt but believe you me you will want a child of your own one day even though your adamant now,and if you do find a doctor who will agree to this you will have regrets later on believe me as i would of loved another child,and i have suffered ever since.

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