
Can I get under 20 minutes for a 5k this friday?

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Hi, I'm 15 going into my sophmore year of high school. I'm running XC for my second year. Last fall my 5K time was 22:08 and I was only running to help my soccer, since then I fell in love with running and quit soccer and got more serious about running. In the spring i got my 5K time down to 20:53. I have been training long and hard this summer and i have my first meet this friday and I'm pretty nervous because my goal by the end of the season is to get under 19:30. But recently I've been thinking that maybe I can reach my goal sooner! I would like to get under 20 minutes this friday at my XC meet. "Do you think I can do it?" is the question...

here are the runs ive been doing recently:

(i started training June 15 but im only going to give you like the last 2 weeks of my training)

[Jul 28-Aug 2 I was at a XC camp, we did 2-a-days]

Mon Jul 28- ran 2-3 miles in morn(easy) 4-5 afternoon(hard)

Tues Jul 29- ran 2-3 morn(easy) 4-5(hard)

Wed Jul 30- ran 1mile morn(easy) 5mi fartlek run in afternoon(hard)

Thurs Jul 31- ran 4 miles in afternoon(easy)

Fri Aug 1- ran 2mi morn(easy) 4.5 up hill course(hard)

Sat Aug 2- 2.5 morn(easy)

Sun Aug 3- rest day

Mon Aug 4- 5mi (7.50 pace) in morn 2.5(easy) afternoon

Tues Aug 5- ran for 50mins est: 6.5mi @8:00min pace

Wed Aug 6- ran 8mi in 1hr 4min

Thurs Aug 7- 5mi (7:00min pace) in 35 mins

Fri Aug 8- 5mi in 40 mins

Sat Aug 9- 4mi in 28 mins

Sun Aug 10- rest day

Mon Aug 11- ran 7.5mi in 1hr

Tues Aug 12- ran 7mi in 55mins

OK, so now that you know what ive been doing the past 2 weeks + training before that do you think that i'm capable of getting under 20 minutes for my 5k this friday?




  1. You can do it.  You've been working hard at it and I'm betting it's going to pay off on Friday.  Don't obsess over your time though.  If you do that you may jinx yourself.  Just go out with the determination that you're going to do your best and you'll get there.  My prediction is your time will be 19:48.

  2. oh yeah, with all that training. you can definitely do it!!!

  3. Most definitely.  You've put together some great training runs and the hard work.  You should reach your goal and it's realistic since you are shaving about 20 seconds off each mile and seems like you've done some good speed and distance work.  Go out and trust the work you put in and good luck!

  4. you should be able to do definitely. I ran a 20:57 last year for my PR. this year i've ran since jun 25th and did nothing but mileage i ran easy but upped my mileage to 50-55 miles a week and i did a time trial and ran a 18:44. That's all off mileage and once i get my speed training in that should get under 18. now i gotta reduce mileage so i don't get hurt now im aching everyday because i raised my mileage to much but it seems you steadily increased so it shouldn't be a problem for you.

  5. I hate to say it but it looks close but I don't know.  I would suggest taking off the rest of the week until race day.  That might give you the extra rest and also the "need" to run that fast that day.  I would also try to fuel up about 30 minutes prior.  Nothing too much but some sport beans, a GU pack or something like that might help.  You'll need to hit 6.25 pace to hit 20:00 flat.    It might also help to pace off someone that you know will run just under 20:00.  Just stay right behind them.

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