
Can I get your opinions on this?

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  1. FACT - kids will have s*x no matter what we say.

    FACT - kids who know more about contraception will be more likely to use it.

    FACT - kids who know more about condoms (not the lies spread by relgious nutters) and have s*x, will be less likely to get STI's.

    Look to Holland.  Lots of s*x education and provision of condoms, and one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the world.


  3. Hogwash!

    Both sides of this argument need to take a step or two back from their own perspective and try and see it from the woman. I know I am an Idealist, however if your concern is true and not a political agenda,giving all choices is the best solution.  By all choices I mean abstinence, birth control pills,condoms etc.; Abortion, adoption,keeping the child, yes all are choices. The Pro-Life maybe very surprised to learn that given choices abstinence or adoption or keeping the child are more often taken.

    And pro-choice stand by that, give the other perspective, give all the CHOICES.


  4. Planned Parenthood > Bush

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