
Can I give driving instruction to someone with an out-of-state learner's permit?

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I want to give driving lessons to my girlfriend but I don't know if I can legally do so. Here's our situation:

-I live in California. I'm over 25. I got my first driver's license in Massachusetts in December 2006 and my California driver's license in September 2007.

-She lives in Massachusetts and she's currently visiting. She's over 25. She just got a Massachusetts learner's permit.

Can she drive in California with me in the passenger seat?




  1. thats a tough one wow if you are under 18 you cant leave the state i am from massachusetts too from cape cod and i moved from there to AZ massachuetts laws and CA are almost the same when i got my permet in massachusetts to drive tractor trailer trucks i had to got to indania and i have to give up my massachusetts class A permet to get a Class A permet in indania then give up my massachusetts D/M Lincence to get a Class A  indania lincence then go back home to massachusetts and get my A/ Hasmat, doubble, tripple, tanker, motorcycle indorsments then i could drive anything and everwhere then i move to AZ

    buts its a ID and its paper I would say go for it if you get cault just be honest with the police and i am shure they will let you go and just play dumb and one more thing you could call the D.M.V and ask  

  2. Yes, she may drive in California - as a visitor - to gain experience.  Of course, she will have to take the driving test in Massachusetts or obtain a Calif. permit ($27.00).   The key is that she is a visitor here.  Once she moves here or obtains employment here, she has 10 days to obtain the permit in California.  I'm a private driving instructor in San Diego.

    DMV is presently very understaffed due to budget constraints and may not be answering phones or scheduling appts. for the next couple of weeks.  Plan on at least a 2 hour wait  at any DMV office during this time.

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