
Can I give her the ring before it's appraised/insured or should I wait?

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I REALLY want to give her the ring I bought. I'm just a bit afraid that in the next 7 days she could lose it.

We won't be able to get it appraised for 4-5 days. What do you think?




  1. It will be fine, I waited over a month to have it appriased and insured.  A new rings she will be very careful with it and wont let it out of her sight!

  2. If it’s her size already (mine was two sizes too big) don’t worry about her losing it. If it hasn’t been sized yet, wait.

  3. Why does it matter about the appraisal if it is the ring that you have for her than some appraisal should not matter.

  4. We got mine appraised a month after he'd given it to me. Don't stress, take her in with you to get it appraised after you give it to her, if gives the jeweler and other sales people in the store to tell her how beatiful it is and she'll LOVE that considering it's all so new! :) It's not a big deal though, I'm SURE she wont lose it in a weeks time! Give it to her now.

  5. Chances are highly unlikely that she will lose it in a week LOL.

    I would give her the ring when your heart says its time.  You can get it insured later.

    kbabe--you obviously didn't read the question or know anything about jewelry insurance for that matter.  He needs the appraisal to get it insured.  You can do based on sales but its better to have both just in case the appraisal comes out to more/less.  You want to make sure you have the appropriate amount covered.

  6. Yes you should wait if only because the appraisal might take a few days and after you give her the ring she will not want to give it away, even if only for a day or two.

  7. Hold your horses, wait for the apparaisal and then plunge into it. Consider it a test of willpower ; )

  8. We got my ring insured in the week after my husband gave it to me.  Unless she's an extremely careless person I don't think there's that great a risk of something going wrong in the first week.  

    Just fyi, I didn't need to get mine appraised.  The insurance company just wanted the sales price and the basic stats of the ring.


  9. If you can get it appraised and at least get the ball rolling on insurance before you give it to her, I would do it.  If the store has given you a comprehensive warranty for 30, 60, or 90 days, you don't need to be in such a hurry.  If you are worried, then take care of the insurance first.

    But, just to warn you, once it gets apprasied you usually have a wait a week or two for the report that you need to send to the insurance company.  After that you need to submit it to you insurance company and wait for the check to clear before it is considered insured.  This process took over a month for me to complete.  It won't happen in the next seven days.

    Mine wasn't appraised and insured until about a month after I got it, and I lived in fear that something would happen to it.

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