
Can I give my 3 month puppy Pepto?

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My puppy has been a little sick lately. We just adopted her from an animal shelter. Yesterday she threw up a yellow, foamy liquid. Then this morning she has thrown up twice -- both times it was clear with some hair in it. Is it OK to give my pup some Pepto, or something similar?

Disclaimer: She has a habit of l*****g EVERYTHING (ie. floor, couch, nooks & crannies...).




  1. Yes. but make sure she's not sick... if she still eating and doing her " business" it must have just been a stomach ache. one teaspoon shoul dbe fine.  

  2. is there an emergency vet you could go to and get her checked over and see what they  can give you for her i wouldn't give her Pepto in case it may make her worse  

  3. NO!!!!

    Human medicine is not for animals, call your local Vet and see what you can give her! Or go to your local Petco/PetSmart

  4. My vet said pepto was fine for my little peekapoo. She would get all excited and get diaria. The first time I freaked out and took her straight to the vet but now I just give her pepto. You have to know for sure she didn't get into anything though. I adopted a kitten that got sick and she started having seizures. We still don't know what happened with her. It cost us more than $1,000 but she's great now. I have a brain tumor and the vet said I might have dropped one of my seizure pills. Puppies and kittens will get into anything. Are you sure she hasn't gotten into anything?

  5. Take her to the vet. She should have been checked out the day you got her or the day after.

  6. NEVER give your puppy (or any animal) a human medication.

    It could have serious side effects, as some things that make us feel better or are okay for us can be poison to an animal (best example is chocolate).

    I would advise going somewhere like Petsmart and ask them if they have anything that would be okay for the puppy, as they usually do.

  7. I think it depends on the situation. My vet actually told me to give a small amount of pepto bismal to my dog when she was dehydrated. It helped her some until he could see her the next day. But I would not give pepto bismal to a dog unless otherwise instructed to do so by a vet, as in my dogs case. So call up a vet and make sure its ok for your dog.  

  8. Never give a animal human medications that is why they suggest keeping that stuff where our pets can't get to it!! I know it's hard even impossible to keep everything out of our pets reach I swear my cat is a evil genius. I would call the vet a five or ten minute consultation over the phone even is worth taking a risk and you should take his/her advice. Hope you're puppy feels better soon...I'm getting a puppy soon myself!

  9. No, don't give her pepto, take her to the vet.

  10. She probably has an upset belly from l*****g the floor so much. Yes you can give Pepto, however, I don't have the dosage at might could find it on the internet...or call a vet. I would recommend taking her to the vet asap as well. Being from a shelter, she could have been exposed to anything. Doesn't sound like parvo...unless she is pooping like water and it has blood in it. But take her to the vet and let the vet help.

  11. My vet advises against the pepto, but encourages cooked rice with low sodium chicken broth. The yellow foamy stuff sounds like maybe she was wormed before you picked her up. You may want to call the shelter and ask if they wormed the puppy yesterday. Puppies  will occassionally throw that medicine especially if they are under stress. Relocating, new people, and new surroundings can bring on stess.Try to break her from the l*****g obsession. I had the same problem, still do sometimes. I say no and nasty nasty. It works.

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