
Can I give my 5 month old daughter a bath every day?

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She has recently started on solids and started rolling over and she just gets so dirty. She's never had any symptoms of sensitive or dry skin and she really enjoys the bath. Would it be OK to bathe her every day??




  1. i bathe my daughter once a day everyday of her life . since birth she always get a bath at the end of the day . my doc said i dont have to but i am the mom and nothing has ever happened to my daughter . she always smells so clean and fresh and she even sleeps better .

  2. Sure. If she's grimy and she enjoys the bath, she can have one every day.  If she does start to show signs of dry skin, use a mild lotion.  

  3. Go right ahead! Lots of moms do this, it's awesome quality time. If she gets dry or sensitive, you can always cut back a bit. When I was a baby and little, I LOVED the water and bathtime was my favorite part of the day. I was bathed everyday and I lived to tell about it (lol).


  4. As a mother and grandmother, I bathed my babies twice a day from the day they came home.  I would bathe them in the morning after they woke up, and in the evening before they ate and went to bed.  

    So, in answer to your question, it's more than okay to bathe her everyday, at least once.  

  5. my son has a bath everyday..i just don't wash his hair everyday unless he gets something in it.. just make sure you moisturize ,don't use baby lotions, they are bad for their skin..use eucerin or cetaphil

  6. Sure! It's perfectly fine to bathe her everyday! Just be careful, if you start to see that her skin is starting to dry, stop for a few days, and use plenty of lotion!

    Another really good way to bond is to use massage gels, (lotions do the same), and rub her body down. Just be easy, as to you don't want to hurt her little body. =] My daughter LOVED getting a bath AND a massage every night. After all, wouldn't you love to be treated like that? LOL

  7. My husband and I have been bathing our son pretty much every night since I went back to work when he was 2 months old (he's 8 months now). We do it as part of his bed time routine. I don't see anything wrong with that. If you start giving baths every day and notice dry skin starting, you can just give her a bath in plain water with no soap every other day. Just make sure you put lotion on her after every bath (that's what I do with my son).

  8. We started giving my on bath every day since he was 6 weeks old..We just skip once a while when the weather is too cold or its too late(not much gap between his previous feeding and his evening bath time)I think baby feels much more fresh..

  9. I bathe my 5 month old twice a day since she was 3 weeks old. She enjoys it and it really helps to be clean in the evening since she sleeps better during the night.

  10. BEFORE my daughter started solids i didnt really bath her everyday becasue i thought she was dirty i bathed her everynight because it seemed to calm her down at nite and help her sleep better. so its really your preferance..if her skin is fine and not drying out...if shes not dirty then its no big deal if you go every other day...and its not hurting her if you do it every day either! =)

  11. Yes, if no sensitive, dry, eczema skin, it's fine.  Just lotion her up after wards so that her skin doesn't dry out.

  12. You do not need to bathe your 5 month old every day.  My daughters pediatrician said 2-3 times a week is plenty or their skin dries out.  I go through a lot of baby wipes for cleaning my daughter.  They are so little you can clean them just as good with some wipes.  Once she turned 1 I bathed her every other day.  When your daughter starts crawling you will be cleaning her hands all the time.  Good luck!

  13. i do! my son is 6 months old and i give him a bath everyday.  

  14. I have been bathing my baby every single day since she was a week old and she's 12 months old (this Sunday).  Because our water is very high in Chlorine, we actually got a water softener system installed.. but if you use a good quality moisturizer - preferably a natural or organic one that doesn't have phtalates in it (all the commercial ones actually contain hidden chemicals that have been shown to harm the reproductive cycle in some people - ie Huggies, Johnson & Johnsons, etc) you'll easily rehydrate the skin and it won't get dry.  I use a product by Gaia.  It's really nice stuff.

  15. I've bathed both of my kids just about every day of their lives.  I just like having a perfectly clean baby to kiss on.  It will be fine.

  16. of course you daughter gets a bath everyday and one thing that helps to keep her skin soft is baby oil.a few drops in the water gets the dirt off and keeps the  skin from getting dry.when the bath is over use some baby lotion all over to prevent dry skin

  17. Personally, I wouldn't, because babies skin in ultra sensitive, and dries out easily. Every other day wouldn't hurt, but if you do choose to do it everyday, you should definitely lotion them after wards.

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