
Can I give my cat amoxicillin for an abscess?

by  |  earlier

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My cat got in a cat fight, and grew an abscess. Yesterday he popped it by himself, and I have a vet appt. for tomorrow morning at 8:30. The only thing is, the vet is really far away and expensive. So, I was wondering, since it's not extremely serious, is there a way for me to crush an amoxicillin tablet myself and stir it into his food or something, instead?

PLEASE answer only if you know WHY or WHY NOT. I don't want the usual "no dont do it itz bad no no" answers. Please explain clearly why or why not. Thanks!




  1. ABSOLUTLEY NOT!  You cannot regulate the dose, and kill your cat.  Just because a vet prescribes the same medications humans use - doesn't mean it's the RIGHT antibiotic for the treatment - there are hundreds of different ones for different reasons and infections. If you cannot afford to treat the cat in whatever way the vet prescribes, and you cannot get on a payment plan with him/her - then you may want to consider surrending the cat to a shelter.  But to self-diagnose, or give the cat medicine without taking into account the size, weight and amount needed to combat the infection - that is irresponsible ownership.  Unless you are a vet - don't give animals medicine.

  2. Is the Amoxycillin you mention for use in cats? If not dont chance it as the dosage will be different and unsuitable. My cat recently had an abscess that burst by itself and it healed up by itself, if it looked gammy at all I used to use some warm water and cotton wool to bathe it. Anyway the vet probably would have just given you ointment to bathe the wound with but some do insist on providing you with anti-biotics that are not always necessary as a precaution.

  3. I will give you a Why and Why Not answer. First of all amoxicillin is given to humans for a period of time, usu 2 to 3 times a day for at least a week or so. You don't know if a cat's system can de adversely affected by a human dose of amoxicillin, some cats will actually die if given medication for dogs, so can you imagine what may!!!! happen if given human medication. Try to find a vet that isn't so expensive or so far away Find a Petsmart store in your area, they have hospitals/clinics inside called Banfield google it for a close location. It may not be safe to just sprinkle amoxicillen on the cat's food   GOOD LUCK

  4. Go see the vet.  Its best to go see the vet as soon as possible because the cat may get sick.

  5. While Amoxicillin will work for an abscess, you have no idea how to compound it to make it into a safe and effective dosage for your cat.  The vet may also choose to lance the abscess and finish draining it, which isn't something you should do at home.   Amoxicillin probably isn't the first choice of antibiotic for it either, usually that's Clavamox.  

  6. You should give your cat amoxicillin ONLY if it's prescribed by the veterinarian.  Infections are caused by different bacteria and only certain antibiotics can treat certain bacteria -- for instance, one type of antibiotic is used to treat staphylococcus but may have absolutely no effect on other types of bacteria, and another antibiotic is for streptococcus only, but will have no effect on other bacteria.  Also, human dosages and animal dosages aren't the same, and you can cause worse damage to your cat by giving the wrong dosage.  I'm glad you have an appointment with the vet -- just wait until the vet sees your cat to determine the appropriate treatment.

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