
Can I give my dog children's Tylenol and if so how much? His paw got stepped on. ?

by Guest33908  |  earlier

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Can I give my dog children's Tylenol and if so how much? His paw got stepped on. ?




  1. I would talk to your vet since some people say it is toxic. I have never given mine children's tylenol but I have given them children's benadryl at the advice of my vet. I don't know how different that could be - but check with your vet. My vet gave my dogs some pills for pain once, but I don't remember the name of it. Just call a vet and I'm sure they can tell you.

  2. I would try Bayer's aspirin that's what most dogs take for pain med from the vet

  3. NO! Human antibiotics should NOT be used on an animal. It can result in a lot of trouble, and possibly death!

    If his paw got stepped on, you should take him to a vet to see if there's going to be any long term damage. If it was a light step, or only for a little time (2-3 seconds), he should be fine. I  stepped on my puppies paws on accident (with shoes on) and he was fine in a few minutes.

  4. Call your vet just to be sure. If you have a small do you should give the dog a piece smaller than a quarter of the pill. I called my vet when my dog had a very high fever a few years ago. He said to give a small amount (very small). My dog is still alive today and i gave him the pill

  5. Tylenol will kill your dog - it's toxic to them.  Call your vet.  They can tell you what is best for your dog and the appropriate dose for your dog's size.

    NEVER give your dog people medicine unless your vet tells you to.

  6. If it is bad enough to where you think he needs medicine you should take him to the vet. If it is bleeding, wrap it in a cloth to stop the bleeding. If it is just soar leave it be. Maybe make him a bad and keep him resting it. A soar paw is nothing to worry about.

  7. NO.  Tylenol is toxic to dogs and can cause severe liver damage or even death.  If you're concerned enough about his pain to give him medication, you're concerned enough to go take him to a vet.  They'll be able to give you medication, or suggest medication, in the proper dose.

  8. Some vets have actually started recommending Tylenol, but it was the "dog law" for soooo long that you should NEVER give Tylenol that even now I'm a little afraid of it.

    I suggest buffered aspirin instead.

    Because you didn't say what kind of dog (size) I would suggest calling the vet for a dose.

  9. No tylenol.. An aspirin isn't going to make his paw feel better. Don't give him anything.

  10. No.  Tylenol, adult or childrens, contains substances that are toxic to dogs and will kill them.

    Depending on how bad the step was, the dog may baby it for a while, but then go back to walking on it fine.  If the dog is not walking on it within an hour, then I would call the vet, as by this time any minor issues will have solved themselves and it might be something more serious.

  11. Only if you want him to die

  12. Nope.  Call your vet and ask what you CAN give him.  It doesn't cost anything to call the vet and they can tell if there's anything you can give him.  Good luck to you.

  13. tylenols arent good ,  you should give ibProfen to dogs.  500mg for a 50lbs dog.  break in half any lower. or cal a vet and let them know. they wont charge just to ask that question

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