
Can I go fishing with my dog's worms?

by Guest67040  |  earlier

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Can I go fishing with my dog's worms?




  1. No way! Usually when a dog barfs up worms they're already dead. And plus do you want bacteria in your fish?

  2. Can you say troll?  Because that is exactly what you are: a troll!

  3. that is disgusting. grow up a little.

  4. As long as you ask him politely and they are no longer inside your dog.

  5. Why not use the dog as well.......x

  6. That is one of the best Bass secrets out there you know.

    Good Morning Buk

  7. Yes, only if they buy the beer and bait  

  8. Make em puke them up or shite them out and just put them in a jar or can. Now when you get to your fishing spot just put the worm on the hook and watch how many fishies you can catch with them. LMFAO

  9. After removing them from the dog, sure...

    (Very important detail...)

  10. only for itty bitty little fish!

  11. Yes, and the intestinal parasites will help you take off that few extra pounds.

  12. Yes, but I wouldn't eat what you catch with it though.

  13. that's disgusting. grow up.

  14. I have heard of "catfish".

    Is there "dogfish" around ?

  15. OH, ICK!!!

    Just ick.


  16. A worm's a worm.

    Might be hard to hang on that hook though.  Make sure you get a good long one.  Maybe the fish will be attracted to the new scent.

  17. Yes but don't hook the dog.

  18. You know it's the stupidest question I've ever heard

  19. well the fish could swallow the worm whole and if the worm was still alive it would get in your fish and YOU could get it probably.  

  20. If you ask him nicely and clean the stool off of them I'm sure he won't mind.

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