
Can I go see my friend in prison with warrants?

by  |  earlier

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I have af riend in prison, he is housed in a diferent county then I am in. In NV you have to fill out an app before u can go see the inmate (in county its diff) I filled it out about 10 months ago, I was approved, so I wonder if i should take the hour and ahlf drive to go see him, and if I do, would I get arrested ( I have two wararnts for not paying a speeding ticket) I dont want to get arrested, but I want to see him, havent seen him in about a year. all the help would be much apprecitated




  1. No you can not. When you sign in they check for outstandind warrants and arrest you on site. Just stay away.

  2. yes u would get arrested if u went to see him with the outstanding warrants because they do a background check you should pay the tickets then go see your friend

  3. Pay the speeding ticket, and then go see the friend.  Problem solved.

  4. To be honest I can't see the police going out of their way that much for a couple of speeding tickets but if you are that bothered just pay the speeding tickets then you are covered

  5. You got approved no doubt..because you have warrants...they figure, if we approve her, she will come visit and we can arrest her....

    SERIOUSLY, the law is sketchy and will do ANYTHING....

  6. Yea you can go see him...You can even stay in there with him and visit for a few days and sit in a cell until your time is served...Do you really want to take the risk of getting locked up? Just write him some letters until you get your stuff taken care of then go.  

  7. When you go visit a inmate they run your driver's license! So if i were you i wouldn't risk it. Wait to go visit your friend until you go and pay your speeding ticket.

  8. Pay the d**n bill.....they  do back ground checks anyways.

  9. You really want to walk into the belly of the beast?  

    Seriously, I know he's your friend but why would you risk it?  

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