
Can I go to Harvard Uni..?

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I left school at 17, but I'm returning to study this year, by doing an Access course in a Uni. I was wondering if by doing so, and successfully completing, would I be eligible for a place at Harvard on an Undergraduate course??




  1. My sister went to Harvard, it is extremely hard to get in to. They look at your grades, for your entire life (at least with her they did). She had never received anything lower than an A, she took all AP classes and was involved in extra curriculum courses as well as sports.

    So there are many many things that they take in effect when they review you.

  2. noooooooooooo


  3. it really depends on many factors, like your previous school records, extracurricular activities, and how u do on your act's and sat's , and how you do on the access course.

    just realize that it is very hard to get into harvard, but if u don't try you'll never know... also realize that even if u don't make it into harvard u still have great potential to amazing things in your life. and u can even try harvard again once u start looking at earning a master's degree.

  4. If you have a history of outstanding achievement, leadership experiences, possess superior social skills, and get really high marks you have a chance... however, they will probably review your whole history and not just that one year.

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