
Can I go to TJ?Even if I dont have a passaport?

by  |  earlier

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I barely became a citizen I have my ceritificate but I dont have a passaport. Is it possible to go to TIJUANA without having problems?




  1. from the us Land yes Air need pass port

    Canada as long as the flight does not stop in the USA you don't need a passport.

  2. if you have a Valid Drivers License or ID then you can drive back into the USA.  Make sure you have either of those.  You do not need a passport if you are USA citizen.  If you are a Resident then all you need is your Green Card to return into the USA.  If in further doubt, call the Mexican consulate.

  3. No, the border patrol security is through the roof right now! They won't even talk to you if you don't have a passport its the first thing they ask for. Even then its a pain we did the cross a couple of weeks ago and sat for 2 hours while they tore the car apart!

  4. Yes you can for now at least.  TJ is in what they call a free port.  You don't need to get a visa unless you are going to be there for more than 3 days.  Even then,  if they ask for ID then you will need a Picture ID (Drivers licence ect) and a birth certificate.  Don't know when your going but I believe in either June or July of 2009 everybody will have to have a passport to get back into the country.  Have fun.

  5. sorry baby if you haven't got a passport is impossible yoy can get out of the country baby, tijuana is a mexican city, and mexico is a different country form usa dude...whate ver have a great day honey


  6. well you could go there but you wont be able to come back to the US.

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