ad more details on my situation. Thank you!?
I'm 20 and have never really considered college now and my parents say I need to go, everyone says everyone does it so I need to do it. I have almost a year worth of credits I received at a private school with a pretty good GPA but I'm not sure what it, I was homeschooled 10-12th grade with distance ed correspondent schools, my GPA is pretty good Mainly A's a few B's one C chem. But I earned a gpa of 3.89 at the private college 12 grd. My parents are divorced, dad doesn't pay child support, mom works all the time but makes more than low-income but doesn't have much extra money when all said and done, too busy to even file her own taxes. On my own I don't have enough money right now for college, I've probably missed all of the financial aid deadlines and it's too late for me to take a standardized test this year. Does anyone know of any scholarships or grants that are out there that I might be able to qualify for? I am in MN. Counsel?