
Can I go to the Doctor fast or do I need an appointment?

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If I'm sick and I need to go right away do I need an appointment?




  1. My doctor's office here in Nevada has about 8 doctors. (including my primary.) They leave about 10 spots open for people like you.  You should be able to get in today.  You might not see your primary, but big deal, right?

    Call and tell them you need to get in today. Good luck, and get well soon!  :)

  2. I worked in a doctors office so I think I can help. Most office's have what they call " sick appointments" which you can get the same day. Sometimes with adult doctors they might be extremely busy and the secretary will tell you to come in the next day. If you feel you can't wait, ask to leave a message for the doctor and when he or she calls you back, explain what you are feeling. If they feel you need to come in right away, they will make time to see you.

  3. Yes, at least call them and tell them you are coming.  If they won't see you, find an urgent care clinic or walk in clinic.  Waiting time can be long in either circumstance, so bring a book.

  4. You can always just go into an er and a doctor will see you (make sure you health insurance covers it!)

    There are also many QuickClinics all over the US where you can get checked for the common illnesses and receive treatment/prescriptions.

  5. you need to ring up for an apoointment but if its relii serious go to a& e at a hospital

  6. You can go to the Emergency Room and see someone right away. It will cost you more that way. Or most doctors offices have walk in hours. You can find out what time those are and use those. I know there are some places around me that are called, "urgent care" facilities. They are walk in and not quite emergency services. Otherwise, you need an appointment.

  7. Soon you will be able to set your appointment online

    Our mission is to provide a simple online service that can assist thousands of patients in setting up appointments with their physicians easily. We understand it is not easy for patients to take time out of their busy days to call their doctor's office and get put on hold, often only to be unsuccessful in obtaining a time slot they are comfortable with. Set My Appointment allows patients to sign up for free, select their doctor, and schedule an appointment at a time that won't have them dropping everything to seek a little help for their medical concerns.

    Set My Appointment is a hassle-free service that does not require any physicians to own their own website or pay hosting costs. Set My Appointment is a centralized service that allows physicians to take part of the advantages of hosting their own scheduling service online and allows all patients to visit one website for all of their appointment needs.

    visit today:

  8. go to a walk in clinic.

  9. Yes but you can get emergency appointments but you need to phone your Drs to make an emergency appointment.

  10. Appointments are not necessary always needed. It all depends on your physician. There are some doctors office that don't even except appt-just walk ins. If push comes to shove-go to a clinic: for example a CentraCare etc.. Do not rush to the hospital(unless its an emergency) unless you're willing to pay a high fee. Get well.

  11. If it is an emergency you don't need an appointment. If It is not, and they see you, and THEY think it is an emergency, they will take you in without any appointment

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