
Can I go windsurfing in San Francisco right now? Would people mind it? Will I be blown into the Pacific?

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Can I go windsurfing in San Francisco right now? Would people mind it? Will I be blown into the Pacific?




  1. Yeah, people will mind im guessing. Im sure they have those signs saying like Wind Advisory, or Danger or something. I think they will mind when they have to haul your *** out of the ocean in pouring *** rain and strong winds. I suggest you don't its way to rainy and cold outside. Be a daredevil another day. =]

  2. from looking at the other posts im guessing that its quite windy over there. so id say go for it. isnt that the whole point of windsurfing blasting about in a gale good luck mate

  3. You will be blown into my living room! Hope you like peanut butter!

  4. If you are talking about windsurfing in the Bay right now I'd say you are crazy!   Yes, I think they would mind greatly as they would have to come rescue you and this would take away resources from getting all the trees off the road which have been blown down.    I'm not in SF but boy this weather is something!  If you are a hardcore windsurfer I imagine it is tempting to go for the ride of your life, which possibly would be your last.

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