
Can I goto court in my underwear?

by  |  earlier

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or naked




  1. Go naked. Judges LOVE this! You'll win your case, no doubt! Oh, and be sure to post a pic and let the Y!A community know how this went for you. Good luck and I hope this helped!

  2. NO. this is a joke question right  

  3. If you want to stay outside maybe but you sure as h**l won't get in. But if your going to court like in courting well that might work. lolll

                                                             Judge Mike

  4. Why bother with the underwear? The Prison Service provide clothing along with food and accommodation! Lol!

  5. please do!

  6. Not if your on trial for indecent exposure

  7. Yeah, the security would love that, so would all of the cops roaming around.....oh, and the judges would join you.  

  8. Sure........

    Enjoy prison as your fellow inmates will certainly enjoy YOU!

  9. Naked so everyone gets a preview of what they will get on the inside;) Drop the soap baby!

  10. If you want

    Wont get you a lighter sentence though


  11. Underroos would be spiffy!

  12. As long as you have clothes on over the underwear and your naked body then yes, you can do it.

  13. I wear underwear wherever I go-its cleaner

  14. they wont make you go thru the metal detector....

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