
Can I grow a gardenia indoors in Wyoming?

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My daughter sent a lovely gardenia, in full bloom for Mother's Day. After the first dozen blossoms, it has repeatedly set big juicy buds, only to drop them. I've tried everything suggested in the instruction manual (feeding, southern exposure, deadheading, etc.) to no avail. Should I give up, due to our high-desert dryness, or is there still hope for this plant?




  1. Gardenias like heat, humidity, and full sun.  Can be rooted in water or by using rootone (rooting hormone).  Give her as much sun as you can, outside is ok...Lived in Cody, WY for 7 years and learned if you can give green things enough water, they'll grow.  Don't know if she will weather your winters if planted in the ground (they much prefer that to pots). They love acid soil (coffee grounds, tea bags, epsom salts) - - - good luck.

    Want to send me some proper yarrow seeds, sure miss the rocky mountain sage and sweet trout...mariposa lillies, penstemon...........ahh,  mountains!!!

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