
Can I have Russian channels?

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Can I have Russian channels?




  1. In the US:

    You can 2 channels on dish network, and you can get 4 channels on Comcast cable - depending on where you live.

    It costs more, but they are the most popular Russian channels, so it's nice to have for Russian speakers - our cousins have them on dish and when my mother in law comes to visit we are adding the Comcast channels to our line up.

  2. I have two on Verizon FiOS.  Pervy Kanal and the Russian Network of America

  3. I can give a lot of links on online russian TV,but if you want cable TV and you live in America or Europe you can get it in pocket with other channels,like RTVI,First channel,Russia,RTR-Planeta,Vesty...

  4. yeah only if you have dish network. i'm not sure but i think you can get them with direct tv. but i think its still dish

  5. dish network only has 4 channels and they are very g*y id say no

  6. Free russian (and other countries) channels (and films) on-line.

    Use "all-radio" free software

  7. Yes, Direct tv has russian channels.  I think it cost about 25 dollars extra.  Also, you could check online channels.  I have seen numerous russian sports and news channels that are streamed.  I would google "Online russian tv".  That may give you some alternatives.

  8. Here you can look what channels are available online

    here is virtual videorecorder, if you register your login there (for free) you can watch programs of all russian channels (except 1st channel) online from now and 2 weeks in the past

    and programs of 1st channels are available here

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