
Can I have a baby if I don't have a cervix?

by  |  earlier

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I had my cervix removed a few years ago as it had cancerous cells in it and I also have genotype 16 & 32 of the HPV virus which is the cancer causing strand. I am told that there is a high possibility of getting cancer in my late 30's. My question is:

Can I still have a baby if I don't have a cervix and is it wise to try to conceive in my early 30's?




  1. see a specialist

  2. No you need a cervix to hold the baby in the womb otherwise you will miscarry. If you want a child you will need to speak to fertility specialist.  

  3. I'm sorry to hear of your condition. Unfortunately no you will not be able to conceive. You can still have biological children of your own. When you are ready go see an reproductive endocrinologist. You will need a surrogate to carry your babies to term. I'm presently under going this treatment. My RE is trying to harvest my eggs to implant into my surrogate.(A family member) Don't wait to long after you reach 30 because the egg quality will make it difficult to succeed with IVF. I wish you the best of luck.  

  4. YES! you can! there is a specialised surgery they can do in which they create a cervix-like structure and sew it closed so you can hold a baby

  5. No, you can't carry a baby without the cervix as that has to hold the baby inside you.  I know my sister had her cervix removed too when she was 27 years old because of cervical cancer caused by the HPV virus and the Dr told her that if she was to ever get pregnant she would miscarry because without the cervix there to protect the baby and everything you can't stay pregnant.  My exmother in law said her Dr said the same thing.  She also had cervical cancer and she got her cervix completely removed and she did end up pregnant a year later but miscarried at 12 wks.  

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