
Can I have a blue yabby crayfish?

by  |  earlier

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I have a jack dempsey, firemouths, and a blood parrot.

Would any of these not be compatible with one?




  1. absolutely not.

    It's like a no win, because if you have enough decoration and shelter in your tank to keep a crawfish safe, your chiclids and blood parrot probably disagree with it- and if you don't have any then the 15-25$ you spent for one will go to waste, because chiclid's or any fish that's larger than your crawfish that's territorial or agressive will turn it over and eat it.

    If the crawfish is bigger than your fish, it will latch on to them, causing the fish to struggle- once released, there will be a lactic acid build up in the muscle of your fish causing it to not be able to move, and sink to the bottom in stress- at this point, all your other agressive fish will pick on it, and your crawfish will eat it alive.

    I just got rid of ALL my crawfish, they spawned and invaded my tank, and it was a complete mess.

    I don't reccomend one.

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