
Can I have a dissenting opinion without being labeled ignorant?

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I've noticed that whenever I express a dissenting opinion on global warming I'm immediatley labled as ignorant, closed minded, out of touch, and in denial. I just want to know why peole are so adamant about global warming. There are always two sides to an argument but in this case it seems that only one is tolerated.




  1. Don't forget being called a "hater". That's happened to me but not in this category.

  2. there is no such thing as an ignorant question. giving a dissenting opinion does not make you ignorant. true ignorance comes from thinking that your opinion is the only correct opinion. if dissenting opinions were a bad thing then 80% of americans are bad because 80% of americans have dissenting opinions in regard to George W. (Adolph Hitler) Bush's regime.


  3. Maybe you should read more about global warming and greenhouse gases(on wikipedia for example).

    GW is a FACT, we need to discuss about the possible solutions, arguing about its existence is useless.

    We know there's a problem, we should acknowledge it and then solve it.

    Now we're trying to solve it, so it's too late to deny it's scientific validity.

  4. you can have an opinion  with out being labeled. Well, global warming is a big hazard to us humans and the Environment  

    but, we have some scientists that know alternate fuels and we should be alright. everyone is entitled to their own opinions!

  5. seems like your at the wrong part of the world!

  6. If you are a scientist yes, if not, then you are probably deluded.

  7. People who criticize other people are the one who are ignorant.  Not only are they ignorant but they are arrogant. Basically what they are saying is that I am right, you are wrong.  And since I am incapable of being wrong, you are (insert insult here).

      Nobody can say that man is 100% responsible, because our understanding of the climate is very small.  If anybody thinks we do,  then answer this question.  Temperatures in 2008 have plumeted over the same period last year due to a strong El Nino.  Who predicted that?  What caused the ocean currents, despite the greenhouse gases, to turn from hot to cold.  History shows that they run in cycles, why?  People have theoretical explanations, but nobody knows why.

    We know in the past that natural variability has changed the climate, but we do not know why.  For anyone to say with 100% certainty that 20th century warming is due to greenhouse gases, has to first say, this is what caused temperatures to rise first in the past, explain that this phenomena does not exitst today,  only then can they claim greenhouse gases as the culprit.  But we do not know that.  On a general trend we can say the sun.  But it is not a one to one correlation.  There are periods when they went in opposite directions.  Why?  We do not know.

    Warmers are saying that we must take drastic actions to curb co2 emissions not because temperatures have risen but because how much they think it will rise in the future.  But lets assume that we do have a full understanding of the earth's climate as they think we do.  The other part of the equation is how much will co2 rise in the future.  That is dependant on world economic growth and the price of fossil fuels.  If the price of oil keeps rising then people are going to demand more fuel efficient cars.  Not because they are concerned for the environment, but because it will be in their economic interest to do so.  So that is going to effect the consumption of gas, and the levels of co2 in the atmosphere.

    But lets say temperatures do rise two degrees, what effect will that have in the future?  Any attempt to say something is pure speculation.  Speculation is not proof.

  8. You are asking two questions here.  To answer the first one about having a dissenting opinion about something and being labeled ignorant:

    The short answer is "no."

    There will always be someone, particularly in anonymous online forums, who will be rude.  Almost no matter what you say, or know, or believe, someone will use the cloak of anonymity to be a jerk.  

    As for global warming in particular (which I don't know too much about), I know that there is a contingent of rather rude, aggressive folks who post on here who also dissent about global warming.   And unfortunately, the loudest and rudest of any group are often seen as representing everyone in the group.  So when people see you challenge their beliefs on global warming, they put you in the same category as the folks that are foaming at the mouth about all the global warming fanatics, hysterics and alarmists.

    I don't know your posts, specifically, so I can't speak to those.  But these are some things that I have observed in online communities that might explain why anyone with a dissenting opinion about anything will be smacked down.

    And, of course, there is the possibility that you are wrong.   I don't know.   But even if that is the case, it is no excuse for anything other than civil discourse.

    Good question.

  9. Global warming is unproven,its sheer arrogance for experts to say that the last hundred years the planet has warmed up.The plant is 75 billion years old so after 100 years we're all experts on climate.Scare mongering is the in thing at the moment.make your own judgement on this one instead of being bullied by the self righteous crowd

  10. They'll be eating there words soon

    They are being nasty because they know they are losing the argument, it's a defense mechanism

  11. On these boards it seems that the skeptics are the majority, at least in the number of questions and answers.  We see more dissenting opinions.

    They are the most vocal.  And many don't seem to be environmentalists at all.

    Not believing in AGW is one thing.  Not realizing that we have to stop destroying the earths ecosytems is another. We are already doing that, without global warming.  And it is just as urgent that we make the necessary changes.  And they are the same changes for the most part as for global warming.

    Any aware and intelligent person knows this, so are some just ignorant?  At least on the bigger question, I would have to say yes.  Remember ignorance just means unaware of, it doesn't imply stupidity.  

    It's pretty obvious that the earth's ecosystems are in critical condition, with or without global warming.  On this, you will find very few scientists who disagree, and we know who most of them work for.  In fact, it doesn't take a scientist to see this, it's that obvious.

  12. whenever I get involved in a serious discussion about someone meaningful with someone, I always try to be civil and respect their opinions.

    I really think that if someone is going to get all aggravated with your opinion, they're the ignorant ones.


  13. uWell, I think that most if not all arguments and disagreements are ego driven so it may have nothing to do with the facts or the topic as we know it (or, at least as we believe it to be) Too many people take the facts as they are presented,right or wrong, and believe it.Then when they are convinced,, they talk down to others because they have had a revelation of sorts.These very same people will state their case based on the "He  who yells the loudest, wins"

    As far as using religion as an example for the way the truth is being ignored by the religious,,,,,Religion has kept many more good people from being bad people than all the worldly man made laws and science rolled up into one--so where's the truth?

    Who is educated and who is wise?

    Educate yourself, draw your own conclusions and for God's sake man, Have A Sense of Humour....

  14. Maybe not if you disagree with the "con census". It's very difficult to remain objective when the people on the side of the supposed con census react in a way that reflects religious fervor. I've looked at the science and anyone that claims they can sort it all out thinks more of themselves than they probably should. The Piety of these people has definitely helped to keep me on the skeptical side. I encourage you to continue to look at the science, but also the people that have so zealously claimed that the debate is over.

  15. if you can back up ur opinion on why global warming is not happening than thats can be respected.  the trouble with that opinion, is there is a lot of research, data, statisitics, visual evidence, etc. supporting the fact global warming is happening. the distant past shows us so, as well as things going on right now.

    there are also different details to what about global warming you disagree with. if u believe it is a natural process, u are completely right. the problem is that we the people are making it soooo much worse, with larger and more devastating consequences.

  16. That depends on the basis of your dissenting opinion.  If your opinion does not ignore the science, then you are not ignorant.

    However, because of the overwhelming evidence supporting the man-made global warming theory, it's really difficult to have a dissenting opinion with regards to what is causing the current warming without being ignorant or in denial.

    There are 2 sides to every argument, but they are rarely equally valid.  For example, there are 2 sides to the evolution argument, but there is no scientific evidence supporting Creationism or Intelligent Design.

    I don't think correcting someone when they're not understanding the science is being intolerant.  If you're unaware of the science, you may be ignorant, but that's not necessarily an insult.  We're all ignorant about many things.

    For example, in another question you said 'CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas.'  That's simply incorrect and displays an ignorance of the greenhouse effect and global warming potential of CO2.  I'm not trying to insult you by saying you're ignorant on this issue, but you are.

  17. i agree with diana

  18. Hey don't worry about it, because global warming is only a problem while a republican is president, it will go away if hilly or bama is driving.

  19. i can relate! being labeled "ignorant"  BY "ignorant "people seems to be a common practice these days. take for instance the fellow who answered you :" if you included science it's not ignorant"  or some such drivel!  huh?!  anyway "ignorance" is curable it's simply a lack of information, where as "stupidity" is an "inability" to learn. i.e. brain damage. so don trip man it;s just another case of the pot calling the kettle black!!

  20. Listen you ignoramous, global warming is real.  We know it is real because Al Gore our prophet told us it is.  He is very smart.  Al lives in a twenty room energy guzzling mansion in Nashville Tennesse with eight bathrooms.  Al said it, we believe it, case closed.

  21. There's nothing wrong with "ignorance", it simply means a person hasn't been educated in a particular area.  Stupidity is an insult, ignorance may simply be an honest and accurate analysis of a person unfamiliar with the scientific literature.

    Honest questioning or even honest dissent, should always be acceptable and welcome.  It's people who are ignorant of the science of AGW who then arrogantly present their (already discounted countless times) hypothesis as if they've discovered something 1000's of actual climate scientists have never considered, who are unworthy of patience.

    When a person asserts that Al Gore invented AGW or AGW is a hoax, those people deserve ridicule.  They aren't asking a question, but they are demonstrated their ignorance of the subject in a ridiculous manner.

    When a person points out a short-term cold spell and asserts that's the end of global warming, they aren't asking a question or dissenting.  In that case they are being intentionally disingenuous or they completely lack the statistical knowledge to even attempt to comment on the subject (in which case they should be quiet or ask questions to educate themselves).

  22. If you have a dissenting opinion that is backed up by evidence or logic, I am willing to hear you seriously.  But most global warming deniers are like the flat-earth crowd, they believe something because they believe it because that's the way it is and that is the end of the story.

  23. No you can't, you ignorant tard!    There are always two sides- the right side (mine) and the wrong side (yours)!      

      Does that answer your question?

  24. That is why so many people agree with Global Warming because they don't want to be called ignorant. I may be just a teen but I do know that this Golbal Warming trend is just a scam to get big politicians like Al Gore money.

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