
Can I have a ferret in california, or no? thanks :D?

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hey i wanted to buy a ferret but I realize you cant buy them in california...what should i do? can i buy one from vages and bring it to cali or is there just a permit I can buy for the ferret?




  1. No you cannot, they are illegal. Permits are given for research or sheltering and public exhibition only and the fish and game is very strict on the issue. I have never heard of anyone getting a permit for public exhibition.

    The 1933 California Law Prohibiting Importation of Ferrets

    The sections of the original 1933 statute and regulation relating to prohibiting importation of animals, including the domestic ferret, are as follows:


    The Fish and Game Commission absolutely prohibits the importation of the following wild birds and animals, and permits for their importation will not be issued under any circumstances: . . . weasel, stoat, ferret and fitch; mongoose of any kind . . ."

    California is worried that ferrets will be turned loose by owners who can no longer keep them and then the state will be overrun with ferrets.  There is a huge misunderstanding about the domestic ferret and California wants to make sure that they do not make a hasty decision that they will later regret. There is also the concern that if the ferret is lifted from the ban, people who want hedgehogs and other exotics will want the same rights.  

    You cannot obtain a permit to house a ferret for a pet so if you do bring one in illegally and someone turns you in or it escapes or you are on your way to the vet and you get stopped...It is the ferret who will suffer. The only permits that are issued are for laboratory animals and rescue people who must take the micro chipped ferret out of state and if the animal is found in California again, it will be destroyed.

    You can help the situation by joining groups to lobby for a change in the law.  People who are willing to help are always needed and appreciated.

    Ferrets are also illegal in Hawaii.

    Here is an up to date site on the issue.

  2. Nope, they're illegal in CA no matter where you purchase one:

    They do give out permits to keep ferrets, but those permits are only given to universities, zoological gardens, government research agencies, and other scientific and research institutions. This site has some info on that (under "671.1 Permits for Possession of Wild Animals"): Of course, they're also given to those that shelter ferrets that are confiscated from those illegaly keeping them in the state. But those shelters must then transfer the ferrets out of state or "destroy" them (as they put it).

  3. Unfortunately no, It's illegal to have a ferret in california, whether you smuggle the lil creature there or not you'll get fined. I think it is ridiculous they consider ferrets as wild animals

  4. It's illegal to have a ferret in california, whether you smuggle the lil creature there or not you'll get fined.  

  5. If you smuggle a ferret into California, you risk having the ferret put to death if it is discovered. Normal citizens cannot get a ferret permit. Wait to get a ferret until after you move to another state.

  6. i want one in cali to lol

    moving is not worth it either

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