
Can I have a good relationship with my Korean wife? I'm chinese, want to understand Korean culture more..thank

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Can I have a good relationship with my Korean wife? I'm chinese, want to understand Korean culture more..thank




  1. All it takes is a willingness to be open to her culture. I am Mexican and my bro's best friend is Korean and we have learned a lot about his culture and even his language just by being willing to open ourselves up to a new experience. And if we can do it only as friends, you should have no problem being life partners.

  2. Well you certainly could have a good relationship with your wife. Perhaps suggesting a trip to her homeland would really help you to embrace her culture more. While you're at it, you could do some research and inform her about your interests in her culture. Telling her about the differences in your culture might also intrigue her too and it could compel her to reveal more about her own culture.

    Just be very honest and this may just work. Oh another great way to find out about her culture is to interact with her family members and let her do the same with yours. You'll both find out about your family histories as well (which also ties into specific cultures).

    I hope this helps.

  3. often two different culture is very hard to co-exist, there will be alot

    of disagreement between the two of you, but if one culture give in(one of u guys) then there should be no problems  

  4. Learn about her culture then implement it into your life. My wife is Chinese and I am not. But I speak fluent Mandarin Chinese and learn/accept/implement her culture in my life...Guess what it works and I enjoy experiencing new things, If I can do you can too. In my opinion, Korean women are high class ladies so treat her like one, make her feel like she is the only person for you, when she sees that kind of love from you then things will get much better

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