
Can I have a penny God????????

by  |  earlier

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A man was lying on the grass, looking at the sky. Amazed of God's creation of clouds. The man started to talk to God. He asked, "God, what is a million years to you?" God replied, "A million years to me is a minute." Then the man asked, "What is a million dollars to you?" God replied, "A penny." The man pondered for a while then asked one last time, "God, can I have a penny?" God replied, "In a minute."




  1. lol that's hilarious!! =D

  2. lol i like it and it was a good god riddle that doesnt make fun of god i like it alot

  3. cuteness :))

  4. very funny lol

  5. that's a gud one!! i totally luv it :)

  6. LMAO! I just learned that word yesterday.=)

  7. lol

    i want a penny

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