
Can I have a psychic reading please?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if its possible, but I want a psychic reading on how I can fill the void in my life. My life just seems to get more boring and depressing each day.




  1. Go too they have free tarot and other readings that are fun and good time killers. If your really depressed you need to talk to someone about it. Feel better.

  2. get out, if you love the wilderness go on a day hike, if you love the coast, or beaches lakes ect go for a day, if you love to fish grab a lure and a rod close shop and go, it sounds like you just need to add a little bit of pizazz do something you love, you may find it will help

  3. you will soon meet some new friends

  4. You don't need a psychic reading to tell you that, hon. You need to look within. The answers you seek only you can find.

    love and light

  5. You don't need a psychic reading.  You need a change of scenery.  Maybe a new job?  You can always pick up and move to a new place.  Or a new hobby?  Maybe you need to get out and meet more people.  Or how about a different career?  You could go back to college.  If you're stuck in a rut, it's up to you to change it - no one will change your life for you!

  6. is a great place to get a good reading for free. Just go to the Readings page and the pick Sample Readings. Nevermind, I'll just post you the link. :)

  7. Psychic power is fake.

    Wow tarot_frog... nice cold reading. It's almost like it's so vaugue it would apply to most anyone!

    A real psychic reading would be like:

    You know that (insert exact object name) in your living room that's green? You've been worrying about that. You just need to go to your job of (insert job title) and etc.

    It would contain specific information

    Sorry I'm in a grouchy mood >: (

  8. Unfortunately boredom and depression sets in when we get older and more accustomed to a set routine.  I would encourage you to keep things as fresh as possible.  If you don't like your job, find something to do after work that you can look forward to.  If your free time depresses you, then pick up a hobby.  Knitting, reading, writing, painting, exercise, squash, bike riding, volunteer at a museum, etc. can all help you pass the time in an enjoyable and healthy manner.  If that doesn't work, then try doing something unhealthy once in a while.  Get drunk, go shopping, play a video game, watch a movie every day for a week.

    You could also just surrender to the self-help book regimen.

  9. You're feeling like you can't do what you want because you lack the education.  Volunteer.  Make the time and DO it.  Ever wanted to be Vet?  Volunteer at the animal shelter.  Ever wanted to be a counselor?  Volunteer for Big Brothers or Big Sisters.  Ever want to create, design, or build?  Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.  Ever want to be a teacher?  Become a troop leader - you don't even need to have kids of your own.  The list of "Ever wanted to...?" and "Volunteer with..." is infinite.  You don't need the education that you're lacking to participate but you'll learn how to do stuff.  The fulfillment is huge and it doesn't cost a thing!

  10. If your profile was open..we could maybe give you better advice..based on your Q&As and 360profile. But it's not. (Mine's not either!)

      This is what I do that passes the time and helps with the boredom syndrome. THIS! (Y/A)  I used to be a teacher and so it's still IN  me to "teach". So ..when I have some answers..I try to  "teach" whoever I can..based on my experiences. Sometimes it's hard for me...I keep wanting to correct everybody's English. But , that would be rude..and also I wouldn't be able to get away with my own mistakes..esp. my "......"s. .and my "!!!"s!  and run on sentences. (Yes, I know!)lol

      Sometimes redecorating your place can help...esp. changing the colors. Get some colors that aren't depressing Get some new clothes...think up a new style. Put some LIVE flowers in your home. Do something DIFFERENT  every day. Change the route you drive to work etc. on. Bleach  (lighten )  or cut your hair (or vice versa). Try different kinds of food...some you've never tried before . Get a different job. Volunteer somewhere. Get a pet! Go to Thrift Shops and look at the things other people get rid of by donating them. Take one item and make up a story about it. (what you think it's "story" is..where it came from) Write the lyrics for a song. (Lots of songs come out of depression and being bored!) Get one of those little kid's keyboards and make up a tune. Learn to play an instrument. Visit people in a Nursing Home or Care Center for'll realize what boredom really is and you'll be so happy not to be in one of them.

    I hope out of all this you can find at least ONE thing that you'll try..and that will help. (Not knowing your age or anything about you makes it hard to give suggestions. Wish you had said your age and if you're male or female.) Can you edit and tell some of these things?

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