
Can I have all these together?

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I'm buying some fish today, but I don't know if they all will fit in my 30 gallon tank. Will 1 male betta, 3 of those orange feedfish, 1 small goldfish, and 2 or 3 guppies all fit? If not, which one should I not get?

PS: I already have 1 baby turtle 2 inches across (but he doesn't eat the fish, I've had fish with him before) and 1 tetra in the tank already.




  1. It's possible that they might be crowded, and might be pushing one another, but I'm sure they'll be all right. Note: Bettas can be with other fish that aren't aggressive, so if you don't know what fish you might want to put with a betta is aggressive or not you should look it up. Another note: All the fish you listed aren't aggressive.

  2. Technically yes this will work.  Betta's are actually tolorant of cooler water but by no means are cold water fish.  Many live on counter tops and dressers in ambient water temperatures.  keeping your tank at around 75 degrees these fish can all live together.  I will warn you however the feeder fish you purchased are more than likely comets or common goldfish.  Comets reach 12 inches in length while commons can reach in excess of 3 feet.  

    While it was great for you to think of "saving" these fish, they were bread to be feeders.  That doesn't make them less of a gold fish just a more prolitic breeder than most other goldies.  

    You may find in the future you will need to up grade to a larger tank, or find a pond for them to live.

    good luck  

  3. I would explude the feeder fish and the goldfish from your list, they need cooler (68-70F) water to thrive, while betta and guppies needs warmer water (78F).  

  4. You can put both breeds together but only 1 male betta per tank. If there are 2 males they will kill each other but the females are okay to have multiples. You don't really need a breeder box only put them in a box when you can clearly see the females are pregnant their belly's will turn a dark grey almost black color. You can take the babies out when they look big enough to survive the otehr fish will eat them if they are small enough. Guppies you can have multiple males and females with no problems but remember no more than one male for bettas in one tank.

  5. I do believe they will all fit. although it might be cramped, the room in the 30 gallon tank will increase and fish will be less territorial when the three feedfish meet their end.

  6. It's not a question of them fitting, so much as it is a question of compatibility.  You have quite a strange mixture there, and there are some issues.

    1)  Goldfish (your orange feederfish are probably goldfish) are coldwater fish while bettas and guppies are tropical fish.  They have different temperature requirements, so what temperature are you going to keep this tank at?  Additionally, goldfish are one of the dirtiest fish there are and their considerable waste produces a lot of ammonia, which is very toxic to other fish.  It's usually considered wise to keep goldfish only with other goldfish.

    2)  Bettas can be kept in community tanks provided they have the right tankmates.  They should be kept with peaceful, non-nipping, short-finned fish of roughly the same size.  Generally they are not a good mix with fancy guppies as they tend to confuse the long, flowing fins of male guppies with those of other bettas and attack them as rivals.  Guppies have no defenses against the sharp teeth of bettas and are quickly killed by attacking bettas.  While there are a very few unusually peaceful bettas that can be taught to live in harmony with guppies, caution should ALWAYS be used when introducing the two species.  Too many guppies have been killed when trying to mix bettas and guppies.  A betta can really rip a guppy to pieces.  Good fish to keep with bettas are mollies, platies, swordtails and tetras.

    3) Your turtle.  You say he doesn't eat fish, but what about fry?  If you have male and female guppies, you are going to have fry.  I'm pretty sure your turtle will be willing to snack on the fry.  So will the betta, most likely.  Probably even the goldfish.  Were you wanting to use the fry to provide a smorgasbord for your other fish?  From the way talk about saving the feeder fish, I doubt you will enjoy seeing dozens of cute little baby guppies get eaten every month.

  7. i would say so, but ask at the fish store to make sure.

  8. The betta will  likely nible at the other fish.  

  9. It sounds like that should be a workable combination.  Male betta fish are lovely, and actually DO get along with other fish.. (just not other betta fish!)  Be certain to monitor the water ph and filtration until you are sure how all the new fish balance each other for the first few weeks to month.  Good luck!!  

  10. Whats the piont in having fish all you can do with them is watch them i got fish and there boring except when one of them jumped out of the tank and died that was the only fun part. get a dog they are fun to play with

  11. Yeah you shouldn't have a problem the betta are aggressive but they are community fish they mostly attack fish that have flowing fins like ther own .... so your good but i do recommend getting bigger tank

  12. a betta fish can only be by itself, they are pretty aggressive fish. Since you already have a turtle, I would get one or two orange feedfish, one goldfish, and maybe one or two guppies.

  13. you should be totally fine...

    exept for the goldfish. they release too much amonia or something toxic to the other fish, and also, they need cooler temperatures.

    ur turtle must be soo cute though...;)

  14. most bettas will be fine with other fish. however sometimes they are not. i recently got two female bettas, who are supposed to get along. and the one ended up biting half the others tale off the second i put them in a tank together. so just make sure you watch them the first five, ten minutes and make sure they are all okay together.

  15. dont put the betta together cause it well kill the other ones  

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