
Can I have eucalyptus branches mailed to me from Australia (to US)?

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Just curious.




  1. It will be breaking the Quarantine laws. Severe penalties apply and can result in imprisonment if you do not abide by them.

    The materials you are trying to bring in may harm the wildlife in your country.

    You should check your country's Government websites for further details and don't do anything silly.

  2. why get them from Australia eucalyptus(gum trees) grows in the USA

  3. I would have thought that any living plant material would be banned from being mailed to the US. I regularly travel through Amsterdam airport, and they cannot sell tulip bulbs to anyone on a US bound flight due to import restrictions...I found this on the USDA website...I know youre not talking about seeds, but suspect branches would fall under the same regulations...

    Importing Plants and Seeds

    To import foreign plants and seeds, an importer

    must apply for an agricultural import permit from the

    PPQ Permit Unit and secure a phytosanitary certificate

    from the exporting country. Phytosanitary certificates

    verify that plant quarantine officials from the

    exporting country have examined the plants for pests

    and diseases prior to exporting them. The certificates

    also identify the plants by their scientific names

    and confirm that the shipment meets U.S. regulations

    for importation.

  4. i dont know if its legal or not....and they would more than likley be dead when it reached the US (it takes a week or two to get there)

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