
Can I have my cable modem and wireless router work without a computer hooked up to it?

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I'm going to be sharing an internet connection between 3 computers that have wireless capabilities. Is there a way I can hook up the router and modem in a common room (living room) so that we can all just use our computers in our bedrooms, without anyone being physically hooked up to the modem?




  1. So long as the router is a wireless router, then of course no computers need to be physically connected to it.

    That is only needed for a few Min's initially to configure the router and wireless settings and security.  After that's done, everyone can be wireless.

    It's a common setup too.

  2. Once the initial setup is complete, you dont need to have a computer connected by wire at all.

  3. Setup the router by hard wiring it into a computer first and then disconnect it from the machine. If you have setup the router correctly and the wireless correctly then you shouldn't really need to connect it wired again unless something goes wrong.

    Make sure you setup a Wireless Key that you will be able to type into the 3 Machines that I am guessing are going to be Wireless!

    Its pretty straight forward from there on once the setup is complete on the router for the first time!



  4. That is not an issue.  However, make sure you know how to secure your wireless.  If you do not know how to secure your wireless, there is an alternative method to wireless.  It is called Powerline.  You can find a limited selection of powerline at Best Buy, but is a better place.

    If any of these computers need to roam, then you will need wireless.  If they are stationary devices, powerline can actually out perform wireless in many cases.  The two are almost a horse a piece performance wise.  The main reason why I recommend powerline to people is the security.

    If you do not already have a router, check this out:  Let's say if 2 computers are laptops and 1 is a desktop, you already have wireless in the 2 laptops most likely.  This router is wireless.  The router has built in powerline.  This also comes with a powerline adapter for the 1 desktop (in our example).  Make sure you know how to enable security.  That is huge.  At least enter in a WPA2 password at minimum.

    If you already have a router and considering powerline, buy the adapters that come in pairs.

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