
Can I have my husband deported if I discover he used me for a green card?

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My husband and I have been married for less than two years and in this time I have found some very disturbing things about our relationship. Like he lies and puts profiles on internet advertising that he is looking for a woman. He chats online and has quit jobs making me pay for things and telling me not to pay my credit cards. He has dragged me all over the country so I can never keep a steady job. I moved with him to Chicago and I got sick with bronchitis and he refused medical treatment for me but was able to afford a 42 inch flat screen tv. He would not help me with my car payments and just told me to call the bank and have it taken away. My credit is shot and I no longer have a vehicle. Now he refuses to give me any money since I have moved to a new city and have been struggling to find a job in this terrible economy. He has also become verbally and physically abusive a little everyday. I just want to know if he is still in this conditional green card status is there any thing I can do? Oh and by the way, he is not destitude in any way. He makes $80,000.00 a year now thanks to my stupidity!




  1. let him stay- let him keep his good job- divorce his lying a$$ and get a huge alimony under threat of being deported for coming into the country under false pretenses. And besides calling a good blood thirsty lawyer- call your friends to hate him with you. Get a counselor to help you cry the past away and start over. You're NOT stupid! He lied to you!! He broke your heart and your spirit as well. My heart goes out to you. I know your pain.

  2. why would you marry him in the 1st place? did he change completly after you said "yes?"

  3. sounds to me like you didn't date him enough; know him enough before marrying him. everything worth doing is worth putting time in and before getting married I hope people realize dating is not a class that can be skipped or "crash coursed." inform your relatives, report him, sound the alarms and do what you can to get your life back!

  4. Divorce him, report the deception to the USCIS and don't sign any paper when he will file for Removal of Conditions with his green.He will not be able to renew his green card and will face deportation if he will stay beyond his present green card validity.

  5. He should still be on the conditional green card after only 2 years so call immigration and tell them you found out he used you for green card and that you are divorcing him.  You married him in good faith so you are not in trouble.  He will not get his permanent green card.

  6. As you have been married less than 2 years I would think he has a conditional green card. Take evidence of his behaviour and make an infopass appointment or send it to USCIS.

    He needs to remove conditions on his green card but can  only do that with your support or if you are both divorced and he can prove he entered the marriage in good faith. Document the abuse and call the police and have them make a report, you will need police reports to help prove you are telling the truth. If he marks you at all go to the Emergency room. If you need to get away from him get yourself to a shelter. That's all evidence you can use to protect yourself. If he has a DV conviction there is more chance of him being deported. You need to show he didn't enter the marriage in good faith but need to do it without him realising that he needs to divorce you fast to be able to remove conditions by himself. Once he can't remove conditions he can't work, he will have no legal status here.

    Go to for more help, advice and support. There is a forum there about Major Family Changes which covers your problems and members there will advise you better than I can.

  7. that whole thing is messed up!!!!  

    get real huh

  8. I'm not going to "beat-up on you", you already did that.

    You can see he has no respect for you, or your intelligence. He has underestimated you. Call Immigration, tell them your story as honestly, and un-emotional as possible. Give them dates, and facts. Let THEM be YOUR revenge, he deserves it. Be careful not to leave yourself, or your finances vulnerable. If he anticipates your move, he may try to clean out the bank account(s)! Cover your butt. Be careful.

  9. Probably but divorce first.

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