
Can I have one English Budgie and one American Parakeet in the same cage together?

by Guest58172  |  earlier

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I know that both species do get a long together, but can I just pair one with another? Or do I need to have at least 2 of each? It's because right now I have an American Parakeet and want him to have a friend, so he's not so lonely So what should I do?.




  1. I was not to and to just get another one of each

  2. English budgies and american parakeets are the same species breed for slightly different confirmation so they will be fine housed together.   Purist however frown on breeding the 2 varaities togather so I would recommend getting a friend of the same gender.    

  3. They will do fine. The main difference between a American Parakeet and English Budgerigar is the length of the feathers. The bone  structure is a tad bit larger but it is the feathers that make their heads look so big. If they had the same length of feathers as a American Parakeet there wouldn't be much different.

    I haven't raised many English birds. I have from time to time brought them in and used them. They don't breed as well as American Parakeets do. They don't lay as many eggs as the smaller birds do.

    Irregardless of what some others might have posted here. If you want to put a English bird in with your present bird.........GO FOR IT!!!  It is your money that will be spent so if that is what

    you want then get a English. Who cares what is PO correct or not.

  4. the english budgie and the american parakeet are the same bird...both are BUDGERIGARS.

    there just 2 differnet looks, english selectivly bred for a larger head and stockier apearance where as americans bred for a slimmer bird.

    but other than a slight diferential in looks its the exact same bird!

  5. nothing wrong with pairing them up at all. they will bond just fine.

  6. Hi,

    Yeah they'll be fine, together and if they breed then the chicks will be an inbetween size.

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