
Can I have some bully help, please?

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If I told the principle about a bully hurting me and the bully gets in trouble would the bully hurt me more?




  1. yes, he almost certainly will, just kick him in the nuts and spit in his eye. tell him "it'll happen every time you **** with me"

  2. Well...I'd tell the principle, and make sure he does not use your name when getting the guy in trouble. I'm sure your not the only one he picks on. Take up some karate classes and whoop up on him if he tries anything.  

  3. well it depends.

    i encourage you to tell an adult and get a second opinion first before telling the Principal

    it depends how serious the situation is?

    remember u can report it but remain anonymous  

  4. Yes it happened to me in high school. I just had to learn to fight. I tryed avoiding the bully but that didnt work. I suggest you either make friends with someone really scary or learn how to fight. Sorry, I know what its like. I got beat up daily until I started beating them up. Maybe take a muay thai kickboxing class or something like that to learn how to fight.

  5. Definitely. You need to stay in his good books, so don't make any trouble for him. Do something nice for him, and he might treat you a bit more gently.

  6. It is possible,  

  7. mabye because he want revenge or mabye not because hes sacred you will tell again.

  8.   No you should not take a bully help but try to ignore that person

    and be a confident person for how long time you can take help of other  but you should be strong enough to protect yourself.So try to make yourself a strong person physicaly and spiritualy.

  9. If you can speak with someone in private, & then let them keep an eye out so they can see for themselves. Then that way the bully will get busted on his or her own. Most of the times bullies are being bullied by someone...

    Hang in there!!


  10. if he keeps doing it again then tell his parents and they will grounded and he will find out hes a nobody in the world while your a rich man

  11. You should kick the bully in the gonads.  When he doubles over, kick him again.  Keep kicking until you are sure that his nads are  liquified

  12. Go to the police , dont get bullied again and again.

  13. tell your parents before the principle,ask they're advice as they're the ones who'll be dealing with the troulbles he's causing you, and if u fight back u'll get in trouble.

  14. I would speak to a lawyer.

  15. well there are no bullies in my school but it depends what kind of person he/she is. If he/she gets introuble and doesnt care then probably. but if he/she h8s getting in trouble and probably. but if she/he nvr gets in trouble and is doesnt want to get in trouble then i dont think so because then he/she learned his/her lesson....but idk..

  16. It depends on what his punishment is and if he ever catches you somewhere where he knows he can hurt you without being punished again.

  17. It depends... Some who are nicer at heart wouldn't, but others might. But it is still better to tell someone about it...

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