
Can I have some cheap homemade gift ideas? Thanks!!!!!!!?

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Can I have some cheap homemade gift ideas? Thanks!!!!!!!?




  1. I'll second the picture frames suggestion. Try looking at your local Dollar Stores, also. (Dollar Tree, etc)  They often have the very nice 8x10 frames suited for certificates. They are wooden. Some are unpainted, some are black, etc.  A bit of a bonus if you have a digital camera and can get some pretty pictures, print them out and slip them into the frames, too.

    Simple knitting or crocheting projects are also good.

    If you have a relatively steady hand and a knack for simple painting, you can buy $1 wine glasses at the same dollar stores (they are not cheap quality) and paint simple things on them. Flowers, etc. Often you can find the glass paints at Michaels for under $6 for a set of multiple colors. These make great gifts when painted in pairs or sets of 4.

    Again, dollar stores... Baskets. You can do SO many things with baskets. Get some $1 baskets. You can frill them up with trim and put all manner of things in them (like the frames, if you do smaller ones, the wine glasses, and food mixes) as little gift-baskets.

    The food mixes...

    You can use bags or jars to make 'mixes' for people. Premade soup mixes (you put in the seasoning, powdered broth mixes, dry pasta noodles, dehydrated veggies) into them, make a small label of instructions, put that bag in a large coffee mug (something also available at the dollar store), and poof. A nice warming gift. There are also layered desert mixes. My grandmother makes them for Christmas for the grandchildren, usually. Mixes for things like peanutbutter cup cookies. All the flour and the like in layers, complete with the crumbled peanut butter cups... and a little tag with instructions on how to use the ingredients to make the treat. (obviously we are responsible for any wet ingredients!)

  2. cake in a box, it is a cake you make in a nice box home made or not. you could make a gift box with ( tweak to right age) 1 bag brownie mix, 1 bag choc chips, 1 movie, hot coco mix and 1bag nuts. you could make a tin of cookies 2 rolls is good. you could make a snow globe using water gliter corn syurp a wide mouth jar and laminated photoes along with slips of scrap booking plastic tag that say nice things :)

  3. Mitts, wristies, hats, scarfs, bookmarks, Christmas ornaments, a nice homemade card...or a box of them, a small plant in a personalized pot (herbs come to mind), cookies, a recipe collection of your favorites...I did this for my Nanny one year, I snagged all of HER old recipes, dirty, ripped and hard to read.  Typed them all out, printed it, put in page protectors and arranged in a binder then gave it to her.  She loves it so much she never leaves home without it.

  4. picture frames, i make them all the time, get a simple wooden frame (cheap at michaels, or hobby lobby), paint it a color of your choice, add ribbons, fabric paint to write, buttons, just make it special. they really turn out pretty cool.

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