
Can I have some clarinet playing tips? What is the correct tone to have on the clarinet? Plz tell me anything!

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I play the clarinet and would appreciate any tips on reeds or playing positions or anything! Thanks!!




  1. its kinda hard to give you tips over the internet when we cant really hear or see you play.

    the only tip i can think of is just to make sure the have the right reed size or else it could mess you up. If your having a hard time playing with a certain size go down by a hlaf. If its easy to play then vise versa.

  2. I've been playing the clarinet since 6th grade and I'm going to 11th. You need good posture and concentration. The most important thing to learn about the clarinet is that SCALES are a necessity!!! I've just learned this and it has improved my playing a lot. You learn all the notes flats and sharps. Also learn your chromatic scale, you need it for all-city and all-district.

    This is a good fingering chart with all the notes

    As for reeds I use a number 3, the rico brand.

  3. Hi there.  A lot of good things have been said so far.  Let me add.  As far as reeds go, I do disagree with two comments so far.  When you place the reed on the mouthpiece, place the reed SLIGHTLY above the tip of the mouthpiece, about the width of your fingernail.  This allows for better reed vibration. And also, when you do run your spit rag through your instrument, make sure you take off your mouthpiece.  You don't want to run it through that, only the main part of the clarinet, b/c you can "warp" the mouthpiece, which makes it not sound as good.  Just every so often, clean out the mouthpiece by running water through it.  The obvious tings, make sure you have nice, correct posture, with a straight back, no slouching, etc...  Make sure you aren't tense, relax when you play.  Keep a nice, curled finger position to the clarinet, with the fingers staying low when you play.  Now the probably most important part of playing, the emboucher.  The best tone is a nice, deep, rounded, focused tone.  When you play, bring your jaw down, with your corners puckering IN to the mouthpiece.  This makes a nice round sound.  Keep your tongue high in your oral cavity, preferably laying between your top molars.  This allows for more air flow.  Practice breathing!  To learn how to breath correctly is so important.  You can look that up online pretty easily for tips for excerises.  Practice lots of long tones too!  Just play scales slow and long to perfect and strengthen your emboucher.  Any questions, just ask.  Good luck!

  4. I've been playing clarinet for about 5 and a half years now, so i've learned a few tips to help me. First, when you put the reed on, make sure you see just a tiny sliver of the mouthpiece if you're looking at it from the front. You shouldn't see the reed if you're looking at it from the back.

    Also, if your tone sounds sharp or flat, try pushing the barrel in or out.

    I hope this helps and good luck!

  5. What an unusual idea, to learn to play an instrument from random advice over the internet!

    Best tip is get yourself a good teacher, or if money is tight, ask for lessons from a good student who's playing you admire.  Listen to recordings and go to concerts.

    Have fun!

  6. dont keep your fingers straight,bend them ever so slightly over the keys.  Do not lift fingers very much when lifting a key. Use your teeth slightly on the top of th mouthpiece to keep it steady. Do not hold the clarinet too close to you. Stand up straight for best sound.

  7. Hi!

    I've been playing clarinet for 8 years now. I'm not an expert or anything, but I think I may have some helpful tips for you...

    When you buy a reed for the first time, go for the smaller numbers. I started on a 2 1/2, but I have a friend who started on a 2. As you get more experienced, start moving up to a 3 or 4.

    The most important part to take care of on the clarinet is the corking between each section. It's really expensive to replace it, so it is a good idea to buy some cork grease. Usually, it comes in a little tube that looks like chapstick, and you can just rub it on the corking to keep it smooth. A spit rag can also keep moisture out after each use. Just pull it through the entire clarinet after removing your reed.

    Also, don't be discouraged if you don't make any noises at first when you try playing. That's totally normal, especially with a new reed.

    Also, you can try this site. There have detailed videos about assembling and playing the clarinet that will help you get started!

    Have fun playing the clarinet!!!

  8. Practice Practice, begin with a softer reed, about a 2 or so and work your way up, the higher the reed u r playing with the better the tone will be and the easier to play, but you have to train yourself up to that point, dont just start with a really hard reed.

    You may also try getting the lower scale of notes down pretty well before you start on the higher scale

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