
Can I have some more taxes pleeeeeeease?

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People standing in line for more, thinking it wont affect them just the rich "who have their loopholes" including Obama and Pelosi and Reid.




  1. No new taxes needed! We'll just put it on the good ol' plastic. The credit card is called Chinese Express, accepted worldwide.

  2. Very naive to think Obama's global plans can be paid for by those making two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a many of those homes do you know?

    Liberal tax and spend idiot who hates whites, but is too chicken to say it unless he is at church with his pastor.

  3. So you want more taxes?  You can have mine. I'll assign them to you so you can pay them.

  4. That is the reason I'm voting for B.O.!

    I just L-O-V-E paying taxes!

    I just L-O-V-E voting for Tax and Spend Politicians!

    No I'm not!

    No, I don't!

    Never will!

  5. Sure you can, but none for me, thanks

    McCain~Palin '08

  6. if you want taxes vote McCain, his dumbass thinks that middle class makes 5million dollars or less a year.


  8. Simple economics... so, no thanks.

    Vote McCain/Palin 2008

  9. You won't have to worry Obama is going to only tax people making over 250k and give tax cuts to the other 40% who pay taxes.

    That way they won't go broke all at once when with the incresaes in gasoline and food prices and anything else they buy.

  10. Alright, Bob! You got it right! They just don't see how everything flows together, and that taxes will affect everyone! I don't think I can handle any higher taxes, but I can guarantee that if more are shoved onto me, I'll have to shove more onto the same people I'm trying to help. That's the way the world goes 'round!  

  11. Anyone in the government is willing to give you more taxes.

  12. I can give you my tax bills.

    How come you are being so generous?

    What`s the catch?

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