
Can I have your view on England and the UK please?

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1) What country are you from?

2) What is your opinion of England?

3) What is your opinion of the United Kingdom?

4) If you could, what would you change about England?





  1. 1) the United States

    2) nice country.  I was there in 1994, and by and large enjoyed myself while I worked.

    3) it's a well-run federation, by and large, and a true ally of ours.  We've tried to be a true ally in return.

    4) the degree to which BBC publishes misleading and outright false reports on a number of subjects; even Doctor Who has become tiresomely leftist and anti-American lately (we watch BBC shows on the BBC America satellite channel).  

    When the Beeb feels the need to grind hate propaganda into science-fiction programs, it shows their pathetic need to control and indoctrinate thought among their viewers.  If I were paying a license fee for programming like that, I think I'd be offended.

    That doesn't affect how I feel about the British... they are true friends and fearsome enemies.  

    I feel badly when some of my countrymen feel the need to bloviate about "the nanny state" and garbage like that - we have socialism here in the 'States, too.  Our government-run passenger railroad company is a pathetic joke compared to the British trains I've ridden on.  I was in England during a signalmen's strike, and even with strikers putting concrete ties across the rails every now and then, the service was much more punctual than Amtrak service EVER is.

    Now, the idea you folks have that poor people here don't get medical care is mistaken.  We have something called "Medicaid," and working Americans help pay for it every payday with deductions from our paychecks.  No American dies because he or she is turned away from medical care for inability to pay - we simply insist that if you ARE able to pay, that you do so.  

    As a result, people here get surgery when they need it, and there's no such thing as a waiting list for CAT scans and other diagnostic procedures as there is in some countries.  The talk about availability of medical care here is intended to drum up support for socializing health care, which would be a mistake in my humble opinion.

  2. U.S.

    I dont like

    Again dont like it

    I would change EVERYTHING, English are WAY TOO LIBERAL, their society is just a waste, they are like Scandinavia and Holland and are becoming nothing more than a heathen liberal, anti-European society, I think that England is gonna witness its own destruction very soon. The country has declined, its time in the spotlight is done. The place is loaded with crime and filth, ugly people, government is letting in all them d**n immigrants from India, THAT AINT A VERY SMART MOVE!!!! England is done, it is an abomination to worthy societies, I cant wait til it is gone.

  3. 1 the faroe isles

    2 enland is a great country, the northern part is friendlier and more scenic than the south or east or west

    3 they enjoy the great and ongoing tradition of not getting on with their continental european neighbours who blame them for wrecking their countries when football season arrives

    4 nothing, i value my life too much

  4. 1) Australian (of British parents)

    2) Not Much , it is a tired overpopulated country that has seen its golden years dissapear

    3) The united kingdom is anything but united. it is only because of the militant monarchy that anything resembling unity exists. If you a re a Catholic in the a country outside of England you are more than likely marginalized

    4) Get rid of the Monarchy like we are about to do shortly , Give Ireland ,Wales and Scotland their independence and parliaments back.

  5. 1) Australia

    2) I love England, been there once. The architecture is amazing. It's a beautiful country =) But shopping there would cost u a fortune =.=

    3) Quite powerful, sadly media has too much impact on how people think in the UK.

    4) make things cheaper! and please maintain the wonderful architecture..

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