
Can I hook up a wireless router on a line that is comming from another router?

by  |  earlier

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I have a router in my main building that is 300' away. I have a cable ran to my other building but I would lilke to have wireless in that second building. Can I hookup a wireless router on the line that is feeding from the first router?




  1. yes you can, if you only want interent, plug the cable fromt he first building into the internet/wan port, if you want to transfer files as well, plug it into port one.  Beofre pluging it into building one plug it into a computer.  Got to the router config page, genrealy  Set it to obtaina nd ip address automaticaly and set the routers ip to 182.168.1 .2.  This will keep it from conflicting with your main router.  You may also need to disable dhcp since the main might try to asign ip addresses to all the wireless computers.  Your second router will mostlikly only run at 10 bace t insted of 100 due to the 300 feet of cable.

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