
Can I hook up my DTV box to my HDTV set?

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i was just wondering this because i am stuck in this lease with this apartment community and they tell me all i can get is some b.s. called WOW!CABLE, then im like ''wow'', so after dealing with WOW and them getting me out of money, i cancelled the service, but i only hurt myself bcuz now im watching off an antenna, so u could imagine what i be going through on some of those HD or Digital channels, it gets real irritating. So now i have 2 coupons for the converters and thinking about going to get one along with one of those HD amplified antennas and was wondering is that going to work???




  1. It's true there is no such thing as a special Hd antenna. I use a regular rabbit ears antenna from the 90's to get HD channels(abc,cbs,fox,nbc,cw 11). Some antennas might get better reception than others but any antenna can pick up hd signals for free

  2. Evidently, your HDTV already has a digital tuner in it. There would be no purpose to using one of the DTV converters-all you would get then is DTV converted to SD analog TV.

    If your present reception is poor, then you need a better antenna system. With that,you should get HDTV. With the box, you'll get everything converted to SD.

    BTW, there's no such thing as an HD antenna. The antenna you need is the same as the one you would use for OTA analog TV.


    I repeat, there is no such thing as an HD antenna!

    It's marketing BS to tell people that there's something special about an antenna that is needed for HD. The HD TV frequencies are in the same band as the analog frequencies.

    If you search here in answers, you'll find many such warnings to not be taken-in by catch phrases like HD or DTV antenna.

    BTW, i'm an RF engineer with 40 years experience. An antenna that is designed for the VHF/UHF band is all that is needed.

    See link if you need antenna guidance.

  3. You can but WHY???

    The converter box is needed ONLY if your TV does not have a digital tuner built-in. If it does, and if it is an HDTV it DOES.

    (YOUR TV HAS A BUILT- IN CONVERTER BOX).  All you need to do is hook up a TV antenna to the TV and do an auto scan for the available channels.

    NOW don't be mislead there is NO such thing as a HDTV antenna!!!! It is hype.  You can pay for the hype if you want to but as far as the picture is concerned all the TV wants is a signal from the antenna, if it gets it,  the digital TV displays the picture. There is no degradation of the picture like with analog TV

    A TV antenna picks up a certain frequency range of signals it doesn't care if the signal is digital, or analog High definition or Regular TV if it in the range of antenna the antenna will  pick it up. Just identify the Channel(s) frequencies of the signal you want to get and buy a TV antenna that will pick up that frequency or the range of frequencies you want to get.

    You can read this article on TV antennas.

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