
Can I in Canada, send Maple Sirop to India?

by  |  earlier

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I have been in contact with my Penpal for many many years, I was wondering if Maple Sirop would make it threw all the borders? And are there many fees for it being fragile?




  1. Probably no fees for fragility.  You might want to wrap it really well.  Or you could buy it in a plastic jug.  Not so fragile.

    Don't know anything about the export laws, but generally, it is illegal to send some foods and agricultural products across international borders.  Since this is both, you should check with the agency that will be doing the office, UPS, whatever you are using.

    And, yeah, you need to learn how to spell.

  2. Spell check

  3. I just checked on canada post's website, and I think you can send Maple Syrup to india... actually, here are the restrictions on what's you CAN'T send there:

        * Alcohol, wine

        * Antiques

        * Arms and ammunition

        * Bees

        * Cinefilms, non-inflammable

        * Cameras

        * Computer systems

        * Consumer electronic goods

        * Cotton

        * Drawing and mathematical equipment

        * Films and videos

        * Fountain pens and parts

        * Gold and silver

        * Jewelry

        * Liqueurs

        * Medicines

        * Pencils, lead or propelling

        * Perfumes

        * Plants, fruit and seeds

        * Precious stones and synthetic stones or gems

        * Radio and wireless apparatus

        * Silk and objects made of silk

        * Sports goods and equipment

        * Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes

        * Watches and watch parts

        * Wool.

    Maple Syrup is comestible so MUST be sent by Air Mail according to the website. Also, if you do decide to send some, you really should look into sending a CAN rather then sending a glass bottle... it's less likely to break and make a mess.

    Also, you should label your send as a gift with a value under 100 rupees, otherwise an import permit is needed.

    As for the varies from the size of the package and the weight... try to make the package as small is possible!!!

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