
Can I increase the size of images rss feeds?

by  |  earlier

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I want to add the dilbert cartoon's rss ( to My Yahoo. But when I try, I don't see the full comic, I see just a little tiny snippet of it and only get it if I roll over. Is there a way to have the full comic displayed sans-rollover? I'd like the module to resize automatically when the image size changes, say for the sunday comic.




  1. Not sure you personally can, send them an enhancement/feedback.

    The problem is really that MyYahoo  essentially crams the image into a small format using a sort of stylesheet. It's at least nice you can mouse-over the image and see it fullsize.

    Probably not what you are looking for, but my guess is that you can't do so as they try to keep the formatting of the page "pretty".

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