
Can I install a turbo/supercharger in a '97 Honda Civic DX Coupe'?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes you can. i have one and almost killed myself driving it.  

  2. What type of motor do you have in this dx? I hope it is not the factory one. Put a b-16 in it or a b-18 and you won't need a super charge. You will kill the car.

  3. Yes, you can install one in any car.

    You just need to find a turbo kit that fits your car.

  4. Yes.

    10,000' of people have.

    Most people go turbo.

    If you engine is in good shape you can add 100hp and drive for years.

    You can buy a bolt on kit that most can install over a weekend for $2500-4000, you can have a shop do it, or you can piece together your own kit for as little as $1500.

  5. Not unless you get a new fuel line it will flood it every time.

  6. I dont know CAN YOU? do you have the knowledge/ experience to take on  a job this big? and are you aware of the maintenance that goes along with being turbo? do alot of searching. there are hundreds of honda forums that deal with this. it will cost atleast 5000$ for a very modest turbo set up and than you have to tune it which will cost another 1500$. and thats if everything is cheap and goes smoothly and you do all your research or go to a mechanic that specializes in turbo hondas and he gives you a deal. also you should probably swap the sohc non v-tech for a doch vtech first before you even think about boost. and even than you must get the whole engine rebuilt to withstand turbo. so Id assume no YOU cant.

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