
Can I insulate in exposed ceiling rafters and then put acoustic ceiling tiles below it?

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Can I insulate in exposed ceiling rafters and then put acoustic ceiling tiles below it?




  1. Sure, I'm assuming you are refering to ceiling rafters that are called ceiling joists. The insulation will go above the ceiling joist and the ceiling tiles go below the ceiling joists. Be sure to put the paper side of the insulation toward the room, You will staple the paper on the bottom of the ceiling joist with the fiberglass batt up between the joists. Now you can strip the bottom of the ceiling joist with 1x4's spaced perpendicular to the lay of the joists and spaced OC the width of the tiles you are installing.

  2.        yes,make sure you some how vent the insulated area.

  3. As lomg as you do not place the insulation directly against the underside of the roofing, sure you can. The underside of the wood on top of the trusses needs to have air circulation to keep it from holding moisture causing premature roofing failure..

    Isulate the bottom chord of the trusses with the vapor barrier (either paper or plastic) toward the room.

    You could also simply lay batting directly on the ceiling tiles

    Another option is a product that you install which maintains the airspace. It's a fiberboard product that is in a "u" shape which fits in between the truss boards and then you put batting up against it. This is usually used at the edges of of the roof rake to maintain circulation from eave venting but it will work well with a combination of eave and ridge vent for installing drywall directly to the underide of roof joists.

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