
Can I interest you in my hotbed?

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Is a manure hotbed the eco friendly heating solution for growing your greenhouse veggies?




  1. sounds like it's full of sh*t

  2. .....looks interesting....

  3. works for me!

  4. I'm all for friendly heating and sharing a few veggies on a hot bed, but the manure bit is a little bit off putting.  We will have to hold our noses.

    But I won't say anything if you don't.

  5. Certainly can Permaculture Bella. Nuthin' like a hotbed for keeping your veg warm ;)

  6. great idea for cold countries .

    and growing chicory

  7. lol the original question Van i interest you in my hotbed was intirely unfair i sooo didnt think you were gonna ask about manure and have no actual answer but nice headline lol

  8. "now that i have your attention..."

    creating microclimes by using heat, water, etc. in small doses is an effective way to grow things that might not thrive otherwise, due to a short growing season, poor drainage, lack of sun, or other factors.  

    the trick is to provide the added protection without using more energy to DO it:  manure is a natural way to turn things up a few degrees.  nutrients, warmth... perfect.  lost knowledge from medieval times?  maybe people just don't like to get dirrrr-ty any more.

  9. no thanks.

  10. that works very well actually.

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