
Can I introduce two new gerbils to my old gerbil?

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My gerbil's mate just died, and he seems fine so far, but I want to get him a friend. However, he is already a few years old, and I don't want to have to introduce a new gerbil again when he dies, so I was hoping to introduce two new gerbils (males). Would it be a complete disaster if I got two young gerbils for him to socialize with? I'd love some help from someone with gerbil experience.




  1. if male i don't really think so, try female gerbils.

    anyway i wish you luck.

  2. If you have ever heard of the split-cage method, try that, it's when you put a mesh screen in the middle of the tank/cage, and let the acquaintances smell each other and get used to each others scents, and you switch there sides twice a day for a couple weeks so they get to know each other with out tearing each other to bits.

    Also make sure there isn't to great of an age difference.

    And DO NOT add females, unless you want babies(obvious) .

  3. I have plenty of gerbil experience so I am going to offer as much advice as I can to you.

    Buying or adopting two young male gerbils is a perfect choice for you.  That way, like you said, you won't have to introduce yet ANOTHER one when one of the younger ones dies.

    I own six gerbils and they all range from different ages.  Two of them are 4 years old, two of them are 1 year old and the other two are 6 months and 3 months.  They are paired up in 3 different cages.

    Just be sure to quarantine the two new gerbils anywhere from 2 weeks to one month by themselves so they do not bring any diseases to your old gerbil.

    Also, create a split cage.  This isn't hard at all.  You can look up online how to make split cages for gerbils.  I can offer you all the advice you want.  Feel free to contact me in any way.

    I also belong to this wonderful gerbil forum and they are really awesome with all of their advice.

    I hope this helps you.

  4. yes but it might get frightin and its feet my start to thump.

  5. like above, the split cage method is the safest way to introduce new gerbils. i think that it should only be done with one gerbil being introduced to the pair. here, i have copied this from the Dani Clan. this is where i got almost all of the info for my gerbils. the link to the hompage is here:

    here is the info on the split cage exactly from there site:

    The Split Cage


    Once you have your gerbils, you'll need to get them used to you. You have to gain their trust. With gerbils from breeders, this is usually rather easy but it can be trickier with pet store gerbils or the occaisional disobediant gerb. Firstly, you'll want to give them a few hours to settle into their new home. Then, introduce your hand into their tank and let them sniff. They may nip, this is normal. They're trying to "taste" you, and find out if you're edible. A nip is not all that painful and rarely cuts through the skin. It's also a habit they usually outgrow. Young gerbils are particularly prone to this as it's part of their "put everything in your mouth" stage.

    They will cautiously explore your hand for a while. If they appear scared and run away, don't push it. Just put your hand in their cage for several minutes each day. You can also put sunflower seeds or peanuts in your palm to get them to associate tastey things with your hands.

    If you want to pick them up, try to scoot them into a corner and gently pick them up. Do *not* chase them as this could alarm them. Swooping down from above will also give them a bit of a fright, as they'll think it's a bird or some other predator. If you can't get them into your hands, then you can start by scooping them up with a tin can or cup. They usually explore these and then you can pick them up once they're inside. Then, take them out and sit them on your arm or shoulder, and let them explore. Gerbils love a good shoulder. Usually they'll run back and forth across your shoulders, down your arm, and perch on your elbow to get a look around. Be careful if they seem jumpy, and you may want to do this sitting down on a chair or bed to keep them from falling.

    After a week or two of doing these exercises, the gerbils will usually happily let you pick them up. You can teach them to sit still on your shoulder or elbow while you walk around. Soon they'll start "signaling" when they want out of their cage. They usually do this by standing on their hind legs and resting their forepaws against the glass and hopping up and down a bit. (they usually don't jump up and hit the lid of the cage unless they're actively trying to escape, not just get your attention ;). You should always appease them or they may get cross ;)

    Now and then you might get bitten. They usually don't do this unless you do something to deserve it (like grab them too suddenly, drop them, otherwise startle them). Most of the time it happens if you're breaking up a fight between two gerbils you're trying to introduce (obviously that would be a failed introduction!). However on the whole, gerbils rarely bite.  

  6. Actually, adding a pair of young gerbils to an older male is one of the best things to do! Just make sure they are young, or you could have problems.

    Split cage method is great- just be sure there isn't too much of the older gerbil's scent on things, or he could get territorial.

    Use, they have the best guide I have seen online.

    Good luck with the gerbs!

  7. I had to do the same thing at one point, i had to introduce rats though, i know that gerbils prefer to be with others, like rats, you can try it , but gradually , start by getting another cage for the other two just in case it doesn't go as well as you hope, put their cage close together, if there is no sign of any hostility, start introducing them in a big box of some kind so you don't lose them . If all goes well then your set, but some just don't like new faces, so be careful.

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