
Can I invite my kitten's mum back to my flat ?

by  |  earlier

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I had a bengal kitten about 1 month ago, she just settled in my flat and she is only 10 weeks old. My friend, who is the owner of my kitten's mum had a family emergency and she needs to fly out of the country, so she ask me to baby sit the mum for 2 weeks when she is away. I said yes, as they are mum and daughter, I thought they should be fine. But they seems to totally forgot about each other and they fight. I am really worried what would happen when I go to work. Can somebody let me know what should I do ?




  1. put them into separate rooms while you are at work make sure to give them each a litter pan, food and water they will be fine until you get back home...this would be very nice of you to do for your friend

  2. Maybe separate them in different rooms while you're at work.

  3. try to keep them in seperate rooms

  4. Keep them in separate rooms , or separate either the mother or the kittens in a separate room, let them contact each other like from under the door, let them get used to the existence of the other one this way.

    even thoughgh she is there mother but she couldn't find her smell on them, as you were patting them, holding them ..etc for quite some times, probably it would help if you rub the mother ( under her chin . the side of her back side with a piece of cloth) then rub the kittens with the same , this would help her in finding her smell on them and vice versa.

    after few days they would get used to each other, wheyou come ack home try to pamper her first so she would feel rcomfortable.

    good luck :)

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