
Can I invite them to the wedding shower?

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I am planning on having a really small ceremony for my wedding (about 20 people) but more at the reception. Can I still invite people to the shower if they won't be at the ceremony, but will be at the reception?

All the answers I have found don't specify if it's okay if the guest is still invited to the reception.




  1. just my 2-cents, but the wedding is all about getting to see the couple take their vows.  the reception is simply a party.

    if you are having a small ceremony, you ought to have a small shower and small reception.  With everyone invited to all 3.

    if I were invited to your shower only to find out later that I was only invited to the reception, I'd be ticked off that you got 1 gift out of me and I don't get to go to the wedding (a wedding is the ceremony) and definitely be declining the wedding invite.

  2. Yes, that is perfectly acceptable.  As long as they are invited to celebrate with you (i.e., the reception), then you can invite them to the shower.  I would, however, kind of spread the word that your ceremony is going to be very small (or perhaps they already know that), just so that no one has hurt feelings.

    Good luck!

  3. Yes, as long as they are at least invited to the reception.  People understand the desire for a small, intimate ceremony, and they likely won't be offended as long as they're included in some way.  Just don't invite anyone to the shower whom you're not inviting to the wedding or reception.

  4. i dont think that will be any more of an issue than inviting them to a reception and not the ceromony personally i think it is rude awww come to this shower/party and bring me a gift then oh come to the reception and dont forget a gift but i dont want you at the important meaningful part of the wedding and i know thats accepted by society im just being obnoxious and it wasnt meant as a dig at you but when planing my wedding thats how i looked at it i know it can be expensive and croweded but i dont know something about it just seems wrong to me a wedding is soupoused to be important souronded with people who love and care about you shouldnt they be there to witness the beauty and specialness of it? ok so bring on the boo's ...sincerly i really do wish you the best of luck and congratulations :)

  5. Yes I would still invite them.

  6. Funny thing about showers is that the invitations are not directed by the bride but by the shower giver. So the person holding the shower, never you, does the inviting. You are under no obligation to invite someone who came to the shower as this event had nothing to do with your choices. You and your fiance decide who is invited to the wedding ceremony and you never invite someone to a reception without including the ceremony. They are not separate events. Best wishes for you day.

  7. Really?  People get invited to the reception, not the ceremony? You mean, no long, boring ceremony that I have to pretend to listen, and wish I could fall asleep at, thinking the whole time, "When's the food?"  That's awesome!  I would not be offended at all!  I'd feel bad for those 20 people!  Lol.  (And before people snipe at me, my wedding ceremony was at most 5 minutes, including the procession and recession, and then we served food immediately.)  

    Oh, back to the question at hand.  I see nothing wrong with inviting them to the shower if they'll be at the reception.  Though, because others DO get offended easily, can you send your wedding [reception] invited before the shower invites? That way, if they consider it rude, they can bow out of the shower somehow.  

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