
Can I join Army after being separated from Navy DEP?

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I went into the Navy recruiting station about 2 months ago wanting to do something in the medical field, but chose another job since my recruiter told me I could train to be a corpsman after 18 months active duty. I discovered it takes longer than 18 months to cross train and that the rate I want to cross train into is currently overmanned. This pretty much means I won't be training to be a Corpsman any time soon. I told my recruiter I am not going to be shipping out in September and sent a letter to the recruiting station to request separation from DEP. If the Army recruiter told me that he could start talking to me once I get the DEP discharge letter, how long would it take for me to get that letter so I can start talking to an Army recruiter?




  1. First ask yourself why you are in this. You want to kill people? Um, doesn't that mean you should seek psychological counseling? Come on get a real job, one that doesn't involve radioactivity.

  2. GEW's full of sh*t, as long as you have not shipped to BCT youll be alright, even in BCT you can get out  

  3. To my understanding, your letter should not take long.

    They will release you, especially if you don't want the Navy and not obligated to take the second oath.

    It's best you start talking with an Army recruiter now, about enlistment, and what they have to offer. If your particular Army recruiter is hesitant, then find another local recruiting station - explain your DEP discharge and they will gladly work with you. People change their minds all the time. Thats perfectly fine. Good luck and God Bless!

    Side note: I would like to recommend the Air Force, they have a great medical field. Take a look into that, if you are interested.  

  4. Don't worry it will come.  They will re-take you aslong as you willing.

  5. It's very hard to tell how long it will take the NAVY to process paperwork. This could be anybody's guess. Your best bet to making it happen fast is to start calling every day. Annoy the c**p out of them until they make it happen for you.  

  6. If ou have been sworn in to the Navy and have not served any time you can't just switch.You first must serve your obligation to the Navy and then getout and join the Army or whatever Branch of Service you want.I don't think the Navy Recruiter will let you of the hook this easy and the Army recruiter knows better then to tell you that.Now if you have not been sworne in that is a different Story but again I think the Navy might give you a hard time.Good Luck

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