
Can I join the military if I have a bad foot?

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I want to join one of the military branches but I have a bad foot. I want to do anything computer related or photography. Can I still get in?




  1. pretty much today with all the specialized skills they need anyone can get in. Talk to a recruiter to see, be aware if they say yes they are merciless and keep calling you trying to get you to join!

    Good Luck.

    (try for the Air Force or Navy, they teach you life skills

    the other branches only are training fighting soldiers. )

    This from my retired Army full bird colonel freind

  2. As long as you can make it through boot camp, you can make it in the military. My husband is currently on a ship in the Navy, and has a coworker who's foot was severely burned as a child, how I don't know. It still gives him problems but he can still do his every day job.

  3. y would u wana? unless u live out of america, cuz in america u would b joining n unjust war, ur just helping america steal oil from ther country and helping kill inocent children  

  4. no....

  5. wait for it to get better or just be in the navy

  6. Nope

  7. .........your wanting to join is ALL they're looking yes you can

  8. Try talking to a recruiter.

    I also sent you a Private Message about this.  

  9. if you want to do computer related stuff, why do your feet matter.. you don't type with your feet do you

  10. find a recrtuing office where u live and talk to recruter

  11. na i don't think so :S

  12. grandpa was in the navy..

    but he couldnt

    (i thoguht I'd tell ya'll lol)

  13. The army always wants new recruits, but you didn't really make it clear what you meant by "bad foot". If you can run on it, or have the mobility to operate machinery (eg. ambulance, armored vehicle, maybe even air corps. etc) there may be a position for you if you can keep it from being noticeable, because they screen all applicants for physical/ mental problems. Of course they realize no one is perfect, so don't worry if they realize something, you might be able to work something out. If you need a cane or have a slow pace, i wouldn't count on anything on the "front lines" but certainly if you get into a university and get a degree in engineering, medical, chemistry, or computers the military always needs people back home further developing their arsenal. If i were you i would look into scholarships to university, the government will pay for you to go to university in exchange for a certain amount of service, and military schools are always very prestigious.  

    You mentioned photography and computers, and certainly computers are a big part of warfare these days, computer engineering and photography go together very well. perhaps after acquiring a few degrees in these areas you could look into satellite imaging or plane reconnaissance (planes armed with cameras for spying).

    Crypto plays a part on the computer scene, cryptography is the deciphering of messages coded in computer print, quite honestly i never understood it myself but from what i understand it is in growing demand and revolves around the latest in computer technology.

  14. yeah. uncle sam can always use a little help. "Drop down ur book and pick up a gun, we're gonna have a whole lot of fun"  

  15. Maybe,

    I had shore duty in the Navy, and one of the guys

    I worked with had cut off one of his toes in a lawn

    mower accident before he enlisted.

  16. Probably not. Yet. They want you to go through boot camp. Or wait until McCain is elected and you will be drafted, but you will have to fight.

    Study, get a good degree and get a job with a company. I respect soldiers a lot, but there are other ways of doing what you love, without someone yelling at you. The important part is education.  

  17. USAF and USMC will turn you down.

    USArmy and Navy may let you in.

    The army wil definately let you in if you show  a strong inclination to go to Iraq or Afghanistan.

  18. Don't know what you mean by a "bad foot". The link below is to the medical standards. Go to Chapter Two then scroll down further to lower extremities and see if what you describe as a "bad foot" is listed there. If it is, you are disqualified.  

  19. Usually the answer is no. Regardless of the field you may need to get physical. Such as pick up a wounded soldier.  

  20. Sorry dude,it ain't gonna happen.

  21. Depends upon what you mean by a "bad foot."  If it interferes with your ability to walk, run, perform PT, stand for extended periods of time, or requires specialized footwear or orthotics then it would be disqualifying.

  22. sure they will take anybody these days. You too could go die in the sand fighting to make the oil barons rich.  your family will be so proud.

  23. no all armed services require you to be in proper health. this includes marching so if as you say you foot is bad I don't think you'll get in.

  24. it depends. if you are educated (college) they most likely won't put you on the grounds because they have other tasks that only educated people can perform. You can go ahead and sign up, but there is no gurantee that they will keep you. Take a chance the worst thing that can happen is they don't accept you. Also if they don't take you, try going into journalism, especially if you become a field reporter, you can get down to the frontlines

  25. DOnt listen to the dipshits above They know nothing of the army.

    The ARMY is for everyone. Disabled and Able bodied alike.

    You can DEFINITELY do something computer related. Don't think they do photography.

    Computer related jobs in the military are very many.

    Go for it bro.  

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