
Can I just go to my doctor and ask for an ECG (EKG) or do I need a valid reason?

by  |  earlier

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I have regular chest pains and I have a hunch that it's heart related.

Cheers, John




  1. If you say you have chest pains they will give you one ASAP.

    Same thing happened to me last january. I had chest pains so i called NHSdirect hotline explaining i had chest pains. they got me an ECG asap. They find out that i have a heart mumour that was causing the pain. I'm going in to the docs tomorrow for another ECG (1.5 years later).

    Hope that helps

  2. It sounds like you do have a valid reason. Check with your doctor - many PCPs have ECGs or cardiac monitors right in their offices now.

  3. I reckon under the circumstances.......your Doc would agree to your request.  

  4. Your GP may well do an ECG if your symptomatic... Also if you requested one.. most GP's wouldn't have an issue with doing one anyway. Not all chest pain is due to heart issues, it could be GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Have a chat with your Dr, he'll have an initial listen to your heart and take your BP, then take things from there, you may be referred to a Cardiologist if you Dr feels this is needed.

  5. If you approach him SENSIBLY and advise him that you have chest pains, he is likely to arrange one for you anyway as a reassuring precaution. If however you go in and demand an ECG he will quite rightly be keen to establish the justification anyway. Softly, softly catchee monkey! Is the expression that covers it.

  6. You should go to your doctor and say that you have chest pains. Describe them as accurately as possible. The doctor will then decide whether an EKG is the right thing, as there are other sources of chest pain, such as an inflammation of the cartilage of your ribs, or infections of your lungs.

    Most likely, if the doctor thinks you should do an EKG, he'll refer you to a cardiologist.

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