
Can I just use my Visa Number?

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I lost my Visa and I called and cancelled and now they changed my number and are sending me a new visa and it will be here in 5 days but I need to use it before that. So can I use my visa number without the card? Because I know at stores they can just type in the number instead of swiping the card.




  1. Are you saying that you have the NEW card number on hand, or are you referring to the old one?  The old account is now cancelled, so you need to wait for the new card with the new account information to arrive in the mail.  It will have a new number, expiration date, and security number on the back.  When you receive it in the mail, you'll need to call to activate the card (with card in hand.)

    Stores are very reluctant to just type in the number anyways.  The only time they'll do that is when they have the actual credit card with that number in hand and for whatever reason it isn't swiping correctly.  So, in your case, unless you're somehow able to convince Visa to activate the new card without you having received it (dangerous, since it'll be going through the mail activated) and to give you all of the information such as expiration date and security number, and you can find a store willing to type it in-- you're out of luck.

    If you desperately need to use your card before the date it's scheduled to arrive, you can call and have them put a rush on it.  To have it rushed, it costs about $14.95, but if you need it, you need it.

  2. You could try to use it, but if they canceled your card and are sending you a new one the old one will not work. But you can always try!

    Be patient. The new one will come.  

  3. If you "Cancelled" it then you can't use it. How would that work?That means if someone found it they can use it.But they can't because you reported it.But probably what you could do is contact your Bank or whatever and let them know your situation.And ask them if they can give you some temporary information.But you wouldn't be able to use it in the store but maybe online.As far as stores i never had them just type in my numbers, They always swiped it.

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